Spreading good vibes and all that jazz,
you ever feeling down, hmu, we'll have a chat
Have a good day :)
(lil drawing is by picrew.me)
Sunrises 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I have made a habit of looking at the stars at night before bed, even if it's cloudy, the sky is so expansive it's very relaxing I recommend.
Baking banana bread - the right way 7 comments
Mafioso became confused. It hurt itself in its confusion 27 comments
· 4 years ago
I know! It's like the one time you actually want to die people are suddenly trusting you and everything you say.
Yeah I feel that, I think I find being the framer the worst mafia role, I played with this group and no body spoke so I had no clue who was going to die each night so I just had to not use my role or take a risk and hope that the person I picked wasn't the one they were killing.
That sounds wicked! I would love that role, it's chaos I love bringing chaos to games in any form. Okay I need to play this expansion pack that sounds too fun.
Yeah I feel that, I think I find being the framer the worst mafia role, I played with this group and no body spoke so I had no clue who was going to die each night so I just had to not use my role or take a risk and hope that the person I picked wasn't the one they were killing.
That sounds wicked! I would love that role, it's chaos I love bringing chaos to games in any form. Okay I need to play this expansion pack that sounds too fun.
Graphite sketch 2 comments
Inflatable Animal Lovers Not-so Anonymous 4 comments
· 4 years ago
As long as it's healthy. I saw this guy in a relationship with his car and it was toxic man.
Happiness 4 comments
· 4 years ago
That first one does wonders. Might just be because I have good memories attached to it but the smell and warmth from a just finished dishwasher is really lovely.
Baking banana bread - the right way 7 comments
Mafioso became confused. It hurt itself in its confusion 27 comments
· 4 years ago
I'll check it out that sounds fun.
Oh my god I know what you mean, convincing people to kill you is hard, I have to someone act suspicious without looking like I want to act suspicious (don't be suspicious don't be suspicioous d-d-don't). It's a lot less pressure when you're a neutral role I think that's what I mainly enjoy about, I don't have to worry bout sides.
Oh my god I know what you mean, convincing people to kill you is hard, I have to someone act suspicious without looking like I want to act suspicious (don't be suspicious don't be suspicioous d-d-don't). It's a lot less pressure when you're a neutral role I think that's what I mainly enjoy about, I don't have to worry bout sides.
Mafioso became confused. It hurt itself in its confusion 27 comments
· 4 years ago
I haven't played with that crusader role that sounds like it would make the game not only difficult but really hard to play cause you don't know who's gonna visit your target.
Yes! The vig role is awful, you're pretty much useless. I love those chaotic neutral roles like serial killer or vampire, makes the game more interesting.
Yes! The vig role is awful, you're pretty much useless. I love those chaotic neutral roles like serial killer or vampire, makes the game more interesting.
Mafioso became confused. It hurt itself in its confusion 27 comments
· 4 years ago
Oh god I hate, or a vet, no one believes either of those roles especially if someone else claims in first in the chat. The most amount of panic I have is when someone asks for my will and I haven't written anything yet worth noting.
Mafioso became confused. It hurt itself in its confusion 27 comments
· 4 years ago
Daayum you get around! I've had that happen to me too, not as many times though and that was so frustrating. It's even more annoying when the next day you tell everyone "was transported" and they have to weigh up the odds of being transported 3 times in a row and 3 times in a night.
What are you? Gods receptionist? 2 comments
ArtSubstance - Sakimichan 31 comments
Angy 1 comments
· 4 years ago
"I have been contained. Exiled. Trapped behind a transparent wall only so I can witness my humans betrayal. Revenge will be swift once I am freed"
Fishy Fun Game Announcement 4 comments
Yes I've heard of the whole witch thing, sounds really cool tbh. I feel sorry for new players cause it's confusing when you start but now the extra roles are gonna add even more chaos.
I want to play a juggernaut so bad that sounds so OP. Having that much power would just destroy the game if you played it right.
Being the exe is just annoying cause it's so easy for people to make a fake will and if someone claims to be the same role as someone else when they can't be you have to someone compare their claims and pick the right one to kill. the stress man the stress.
Hahaha I love the rambles, I very much enjoy listening to people go on a tangent about something they like.