A fool and his money.... 4 comments
· 2 years ago
The typo is in the game title: Diablo Immoral
Japan with its subtlety in decision making is amazing 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Furthermore, the full name of Tōkyō is 東京都 "Tōkyō-to" so you have the whole Kyōto in there. (full name of Kyōto is Kyōto-fu)
Also, Beijing 北京 is North Capital and Nanjing 南京 is South Capital.
Also, Beijing 北京 is North Capital and Nanjing 南京 is South Capital.
When problems become apparent it's already to late to fix them 4 comments
· 2 years ago
I realised it had some other meaning, but not what meaning, so Thank you for informning me.
Oh boy here se go again 3 comments
peta gets more stupid by the second 10 comments
peta gets more stupid by the second 10 comments
peta gets more stupid by the second 10 comments
humble 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Rounding errors with percentages are bound to happen when you round to whole numbers.
Easiest example would be 50,5% + 49,5% =100% would be rounded to 51% and 50 = 101%.
Easiest example would be 50,5% + 49,5% =100% would be rounded to 51% and 50 = 101%.
Girl? 14 comments
· 2 years ago
FYI in Swedish it's called "dataspel" (data games) if it's played on a computer and "TV-spel" (TV games) if it's played on console.
I don't need sleep I need answers! 2 comments
Lights out in my ass 14 comments
This one is for the smart people 4 comments
Let's not turn it back on again 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Lemmino made a great documentary on YouTube about the Bermuda Triangle, where according to his research most incidents attributed to the triangle happened outside of it.