Tornate all'antico e sarà un progresso. ~Giuseppe Verdi
Translation: Let's turn to the past - that will be progress
Happy Valentines/Single Awareness Day! 146 comments
· 11 years ago
Aaaaw:) (I agree with you btw) Happy (45 minutes belated) Valentines day to you too!!!!! (to all you guys!:)) *huuugs*
The use of fingers 9 comments
· 11 years ago
No problem;) Sometimes I just feel the need to give history lessons, when seeing some posts. Sometimes I'm killing jokes, buuut *the more you know*;)
The use of fingers 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I've simply got to give you another history lesson - can't help it!;)
Did you ever wonder why the wedding ring goes on the ring finger?
There are two "theories": ancient Romans thought there was a vein in the ring finger, which they called "vena amoris".
The second "theory" is - in the early Middle Ages (also in the early Christian weddings) there was the ritual that the priest touched the thumb with the ring whilst saying "in nomine patris", then the index finger whilst saying "et filii", then the middle finger whist saying "et spiritus sancti" and then whilst ending the prayer with "Amen", the priest would put the ring on the 4th finger - the ring finger.
The more you know;)
Did you ever wonder why the wedding ring goes on the ring finger?
There are two "theories": ancient Romans thought there was a vein in the ring finger, which they called "vena amoris".
The second "theory" is - in the early Middle Ages (also in the early Christian weddings) there was the ritual that the priest touched the thumb with the ring whilst saying "in nomine patris", then the index finger whilst saying "et filii", then the middle finger whist saying "et spiritus sancti" and then whilst ending the prayer with "Amen", the priest would put the ring on the 4th finger - the ring finger.
The more you know;)
Thank You And Good Knight!!! 8 comments
· 11 years ago
to zombiestitcher: *high-5*
to saviourself: Glad you enjoyed our short history lesson ;) I love giving them, hehe.
to saviourself: Glad you enjoyed our short history lesson ;) I love giving them, hehe.
Thank You And Good Knight!!! 8 comments
· 11 years ago
One of my favourite jokes to tell (probably because it's quite easy to remember?)!
Just to give everyone a short history lesson - it's called "dark ages", because there aren't many written sources from that period of time and "that period of time" is actually between ancient Greeks/ Romans and the (early) Middle Ages. This time just isn't well documented (until the invention of printing by Gutenberg ~1450)."Dark Ages" was a term commonly used during the 19th century, when archaeology wasn't as well understood as it is today.The more you know;)
Hope you didn't mind a short lesson:)
Just to give everyone a short history lesson - it's called "dark ages", because there aren't many written sources from that period of time and "that period of time" is actually between ancient Greeks/ Romans and the (early) Middle Ages. This time just isn't well documented (until the invention of printing by Gutenberg ~1450)."Dark Ages" was a term commonly used during the 19th century, when archaeology wasn't as well understood as it is today.The more you know;)
Hope you didn't mind a short lesson:)
Which character are you? 12 comments
· 11 years ago
The website to which the picture "fits" is called zimbio.com, but for some reason I'm not able to open that page, so I did the test on that website:
Which character are you? 12 comments
· 11 years ago
According to the test I'm Sheldon and Lisa Simpson. I didn't do the other tests since I don't know these series too well.
Realized this in geography class today 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Ok, I just have to say this. ^my comment, when I wasn't signed in yet, hehe. Philipp II is my historical passion:D
Your death day 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I wrote the comment(s) from my mobile... that doesn't always turn out as it should... -.-
Your death day 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Now that's deep! Thinking about it makes me feel sort of ... strange
I posted a selfie... 12 comments
· 11 years ago
So did I... feel so bad about it now! The fact that I can't delete it bothers me even more -.-
Walls of the World 21 comments
Let's Compare Our Countries, Shall We? 28 comments
· 11 years ago
It's sort of funny for me to read this. I'm from Northern Italy and visited relatives of mine in Austria today. It took me only like 3 hours to get there. I could even come home the same day! :D
I'm an opera singer, play violin as well though, so yes, this is true XD 17 comments
· 11 years ago
@mopargirl That's true:) Aaaah opera (especially certain arias) helped me through a lot already:)
You know what? If I upload a video, I'll let you guys know:))
You know what? If I upload a video, I'll let you guys know:))
I'm an opera singer, play violin as well though, so yes, this is true XD 17 comments
· 11 years ago
@ricepudding Nice to "meet" you!!!:)
Although singing is the one and only possibility for me, I still love "coming back" to my violin almost every day:) Somehow it seems like my violin is "my other half" XD.
Although singing is the one and only possibility for me, I still love "coming back" to my violin almost every day:) Somehow it seems like my violin is "my other half" XD.