Some supernatural here, some Xbox there, and a ton of pizza over there :)
— Onlymostlydead Report User
Most bizarre laws in america 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Dear guest, I do hope you realize the internet is a place of enjoyment and whimsy, so while I do live in Wisconsin, and lovingly refer to my home state nickname, I don't appreciate your lack of kindness and assumption of my intelligence. I'm also sorry for your lack of mental capabilities to grasp the idea of sarcasm and joking statements as well as colloquial terms when written. Fear not, there ar educational classes to help people like you.
Edited 8 years ago
Most bizarre laws in america 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Sconnie' here.... this pie law? Not on your life, my apple pie is a gift from the lawd and I'll be damned if there's EVER cheese on that gift.
And you thought you were lonely 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Okay so I've been having a tough time lately and honestly this made me cry so quick it's so sad it makes me so sad
He cant Stan this anymore 5 comments
· 8 years ago
This makes me feel icky because this guy is obviously very happy to be with Stan and is excited to be there as Wolverine like what the heck just let this guy be happy
Am I the only one who can do this? 48 comments
I don't want to be your friend 9 comments
Good governance 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I've got nothing against teachers and I take great pride in the ability presented to teachers in Wisconsin, but the fact of money in schools being re routed and shutting down entire departments within schools is not okay. Not running classes and firing teachers or as my local district calls it "thinning out" staff is unacceptable and I feel that not being able to take classes that I can apply to my aspiring professional counts as being screwed.
Good governance 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I am from Wisconsin and I can confirm that this cotton headed ninny mugging is totally screwing the schools right now
Ashley Wylde-- Meet Yourself in the Mirror 4 comments
so i'm in a nerf battle, when suddenly 6 comments
A Really interesting rotating sink 4 comments
All these dice and your drama still doesn't add up... 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Nice!!!! We were supposed to rob an inn, but instead we got wasted and burned it down and then looted all the bodies... ;)
Awesome drawing skills 25 comments
Awesome drawing skills 25 comments