Yo I'm gonna be a lurker for now so ya. I just wanted to be able to comment on things with an actual name linked to my comments
— Okami_Ryu Report User
Can You Tell What’s Wrong With This Picture? (Spooky Story) 6 comments
· 6 years ago
This is so creepy I love it!!
What is the saddest short story? 93 comments
· 8 years ago
Abandoned house light appears
Dark corner red eyes
Missing baby window open
Exhume body coffin scratched
Dark corner red eyes
Missing baby window open
Exhume body coffin scratched
Suicide 68 comments
· 8 years ago
I do this constantly because it wouldn't hurt everyone on my life as much and I'd be forgotten quicker
I would too of I had that persons name 122 comments
Would you press it? You can press 1 time 34 comments
Gotta ask the right question 23 comments
Try this? 217 comments
· 8 years ago
Mine is, even though we believe we are going to be rich in the next eight hours, we were still technically poor street trash
Wonder what else she can fit in that mouth 25 comments
· 8 years ago
I wish I looked like that and had friends... That I could say that to. Not just general I would never say that I obviously have friends
Prioritites 4 comments
· 8 years ago
That's kind of smart because the dog doesn't know how to get out but the wife does, it's like why if you're in a plane in the air masks drop from the ceiling you have to put yours on first before helping a child because the child doesn't know how to put yours on but you know how to put the child's on
My plan 7 comments
· 8 years ago
I would do that but before telling them I made it I would take any advice that they had and just slightly alter what I was doing to add that in and they would just be like wait I said that they should do that
Hats off to the lurkers 35 comments
Why are middle school girls skipping the awkward stage 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I'm not doing eyeshadow but I am doing tiny hats personally I don't think it's awkward but whatever, I do have braces though
tumblr in one post 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Uuuummm sometimes people's legs do work but they are in a wheelchair because their spine can't support them