Help me! I've looked at this for an hour, and I still have no idea of what this is! 41 comments
· 10 years ago
To show that sometimes the solution is simpler than it first appears to be.
God has never been the problem 53 comments
· 10 years ago
This would be the ideal situation. The thing is, religion has been deeply ingrained within almost every society for thousands of years. When you think about it that way, it's kind of incredible all the change that has happened within the last century. Change takes time and we are slowly getting there. Maybe not this year, nor the next, maybe not even in the next 50, but someday soon, acceptance and true equality will prevail.
Cab driver 5 comments
Absolutely incredible archery skills 13 comments
Microsoft HoloLens will transform your world with holograms 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Would you believe me if I said I don't want this as an every day technology? Can you imagine living in a world that is no longer reality? Because this is what that is. It's a way to cut us off from what is really going on around us. It's an impressive advancement, and I can see the benefits this type of technology can have whether it be in the workplace, gaming, creating, communication, helping the disabled. But I can't help but fear the dependency we might have towards it, where it comes to the point that we need it for everything we do.
How to kill an introvert 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Introverts are capable of going out, talking to strangers, and do the same things "normal" people do. We just prefer not to most of the time, keep to ourselves and our thoughts and enjoy quiet a little more.
Powerful magnets crushing an apple 21 comments
· 10 years ago
The apple is not actually crushed, it's push upwards. You can see it in the original video.
Love gays 15 comments
· 10 years ago
"A mommy and a daddy"
Does that mean you are against single parents too?
Does that mean you are against single parents too?
Salesman 6 comments
I mean, it's in his freaking ribs! 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Azog switches his "arm", it was a branch and later on a sword. Meaning he actually pulls the branch out and puts the sword in.
This is amazing! A boon for everyone with smartphones having poor 8 comments
· 10 years ago
You can actually buy an external battery for around 10 dollars or something.You charge it with a USB outlet, take it with you and when you need to charge your device, you plug it in with the USB charger cable.
Here's an example of one on ebay
Here's an example of one on ebay
Patio 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Patio is actually a word used in the french language and has the same meaning that it does in english
I get so much homework on the weekend I can't do anything 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Personally, I think we shouldn't have homework. We should study and to projects sure, but having homework every single night doesn't seem to help. When you get home after a long day at school, homework is the last thing you want to do, it's stressful and takes up whatever time of the day you have left, and so you do it quickly without paying to much attention. It should be optional and available for those who need/want it or done during class.
Insecurity 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't see why everyone is jumping to the "insecure" conclusion. Does anyone else see her smile? Perhaps she's just playing around with her boyfriend or friend.
When construction workers started to demolish the building right next to mine 1 comments
· 10 years ago
Part of my school was being renovated and they needed to tear down part of the old building. So we were actually in class during demolition. Fun but slightly worrying at the same time...
It's awesome to see this guy working with kids. 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I read a comment sometime ago that said what he does makes sens. He yells at the adults, the professional chef, who do things wrong, because as adults and professionals, they should know better. The kids on the other hand are still learning and you can't expect them to be at an expert's level.
Edited 10 years ago
Men's Expectations 17 comments
Solar the world 29 comments
Solar the world 29 comments
· 10 years ago
You would need to get that energy where it needs to go and running cables isn't really an option. As such, you can't just have one large area of solar panels for the whole world, but a field per city or something similar.