Goth 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I love puns! They make me happy! I don't understand why people seem to get angry at puns.
Sparks flew when two pianist met unexpectedly at a public piano 15 comments
· 9 years ago
It's in the YouTube comments. Parts of it is from Braveheart and the beginning is from a French movie or something.
This should be a music equalizer 3 comments
· 9 years ago
You mean visualizer, right? Not to spam or anything but I was thinking of adding something similar in my music player app.
I've grown to hate cameras 5 comments
This movie was such a marvel 11 comments
Awesome Game of Thrones remix! 2 comments
Scoliosis surgery before and after x-rays 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Good luck with your recovery! cristinica!
Nobody in my family has or had this, so I think I'm safe. I'm lucky I guess. I feel bad that you guys have to go through all the discomfort that you're going through. Get well y'all.
Nobody in my family has or had this, so I think I'm safe. I'm lucky I guess. I feel bad that you guys have to go through all the discomfort that you're going through. Get well y'all.
Scoliosis surgery before and after x-rays 13 comments
· 9 years ago
umm how did you get it? From age? From wrong posture or mineral deficiency? Any tips on how one could prevent it?
Didn't see that "plot-twist" coming 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Does anybody know what it was that the Obamas were reacting to in this photo?