

They tried to make my account a bot account. They shall not prevail!!!

— Novelus٭ Report User
Knives in the back do hurt 7 comments
novelus · 3 years ago
I'm fairly certain I was either shot by a person who didn't know how to use guns, or I fell into a very sharp cactus. Got birthmarks on my right shoulder, back of my head, and my back.
A day in the life of a ghost 5 comments
novelus · 3 years ago
This gives me vibes from the series Ghosts on HBOMax
Life lesson go brr 17 comments
novelus · 3 years ago
Yet you seem to be focused on the CAN'T and WON'T of my life from years long gone. So maybe move along and realize that what you said is not correct for every instance.
Life lesson go brr 17 comments
novelus · 3 years ago
Uhm... not sure why you'd assume it was a CAN'T. I'm not sure I knew anyone really when I was in high school 17+ years ago that would have been able to afford an apartment working only part time while in school full time. I've got a daughter, and engaged at the moment, in my own apartment. We will be buying our own home in a few months. It had nothing to do with CAN'T. Well, maybe in your eyes you know my life and where I worked, and how much I made back then. So nice try on thinking you are right about someone else's life you didn't live.
Life lesson go brr 17 comments
novelus · 3 years ago
Yes. Because me moving out to get an apartment of my own while in high school was feasible, what with me shipping out for the military (a year lease would have been broken). Sooooo yeah. Keep running your mouth about things you know nothing about.
Life lesson go brr 17 comments
novelus · 3 years ago
Sooooo when I did pay rent and helped with other bills and they still barged in...
Then what?
"we have to solve this Problem quick" 6 comments
novelus · 3 years ago
Also, fires and drug dealers. I don't know about y'all, but fires aren't very common in my life, nor do people try to sell me drugs or even give me drugs for free.
Hector. Always has been 3 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
ImDB determined that was a lie.
A latter day wordsmith 3 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Silly @karboll
Harvard found that there are over a million, but we only use about 170k of them.
I hate this 10 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
The dinosaur thing (I had to. Been months since I could plug it somewhere)
Fix This 5 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Would be an excellent DnD character.
Whenever you do something stupid, at least you didn't go to war with Poseidon 8 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
He was insanely crazy, and his followers feared him. Also. Not trying to be that guy, but it was Neptune, not Poseidon...
Caligula was out there.
*Fortunate Son intensifies* 52 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Troops had been withdrawing for at least 3 years before the treaty was signed. It doesn't take 3+ years to do that. I've read this information on history dot com. Thats where my information is coming from. It even says somewhere on the page about the Vietnam War that the peace treaty was created to save face for the US.
*Fortunate Son intensifies* 52 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
We still occupied Vietnam after the peace treaty was signed. We violated our full troop withdrawal, and they violated the ceasefire. We were still well there. I also have no idea who the fuck keeps downvoting. I'm having a conversation, and someone else keeps downvoting you. It is actually annoying me.
*Fortunate Son intensifies* 52 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Yeah. The US was leaving, but still posting blockades for supplies, and dropping bombs. Doesn't quite sound like a peace deal was in place if we kept dropping bombs.
Devastating noisy Squid 3 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
I had almost all of their comics.
*Fortunate Son intensifies* 52 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Strategically, one could say America did not lose.
However, the people who came back from the war lost much. They didn't fully come back mentally when they came home. I've met many vets over the years, and the ones who struggle(d) the most are those who fought in Vietnam, including those in my family that served. Maybe just let this one go, folks...
Nebulous plant Jannies 6 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
That'd work, except the Tweet was last year in September. Also, WandaVision isn't a film.
Old man 8 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Even if he isn't your President, it is still his official title. We don't refer to The Queen as just Elizabeth or Liz. We call her Queen Elizabeth. We also say Prime Minister Trudeau, Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Patrick Stewart, etc. It is their title whether we like it or not. I've not liked people in power, but I still refer to them by their title and name.
Being kissed while you’re asleep is one of the most purest form 3 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Or if you are single and live alone in the country where there is noone else around for miles.
The Three Levels of My Friendship 20 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Thank you!!!
The Three Levels of My Friendship 20 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
You can never watch too much of it.
The Three Levels of My Friendship 20 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
Brewster wants you to rewatch it.
The Three Levels of My Friendship 20 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
You should rewatch it!!
The Three Levels of My Friendship 20 comments
novelus · 4 years ago
I watched it religiously. Hell, when I get bored,, i binge watch it over and over. Andre and Hewlett were actually two of my favorite characters.
Brewster was my favorite. Simcoe.... I hated him. However, most of the people of Canada have Simcoe to thank for the foundations he created by him after The Revolutionary War.