They tried to make my account a bot account. They shall not prevail!!!
— NovelusŁ Report User
It's hard to say 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I still watch this show. It is on Hulu.
If she breath, she a.. 19 comments
· 6 years ago
Not everything. I don't believe your words. Pretty sure dictionaries and such, along with educational research can be believed.
If she breath, she a.. 19 comments
If she breath, she a.. 19 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually, both "more stupider" and "more stupid" are correct, according to quite a few dictionaries and research studies.
13 years and several ass rips later 18 comments
I will join you 7 comments
The night my book went missing 3 comments
I think so 11 comments
Smoothest DM 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Also seeing that the original math problems had 10 answers... That covers a US phone number properly.
I bet he wishes he was one of the guys sent to find the Moon Monolith. 16 comments
· 6 years ago
This was the movie before the show. Didn't like the movie. Loved the shows, though.
Baby time 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I do not use weeks when explaining how old my kid is. I use x months and x weeks old. Such as, my daughter is 5 months and 3 weeks old. I've no problems saying that to people because I know it is confusing. And the conversion does not always work properly. 5 weeks old equates to 35 days. 35 days is a month and 5 or 4 days old. So to tell people to convert on the spot is not easy. To each, their own. I prefer to say the x month and x weeks, because I know converting is not so easy all of the time.
Self made 9 comments
· 6 years ago
But Kylie isnt the popular one. Kim is. So give her some credit for stepping out of her sister's massive ass shadow and doing her thing.
Edited 6 years ago
I demand video evidence of Jebus!!! 18 comments
Breaking up through text 12 comments
Breaking up through text 12 comments
Mind blowing quotes 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I know many people who can read, but they cannot understand words.
Edited 6 years ago
When you get the job you're unqualified for 3 comments