

They tried to make my account a bot account. They shall not prevail!!!

— Novelus٭ Report User
Eminem 37 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Uhm. How old do you think we all are? I know there are teenagers on here. I also know that there are people 15 years my senior on here, and I am 32.
I was unaware that liking something or someone was considered being a conformist. How about you learn to chill out and conform to being a mute Monk or something that requires a complete vow of silence? All you have been doing lately is try to get others to conform to your thoughts and opinions. Do not get mad at people who are "conformist" just because they are not conforming to you.
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
The shooter got the guns legally. Not illegally. Passed the background check and all due to no priors.
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Correction. He bought it from a store. He had no priors, so passed the FBI criminal background check. He bought the gun last year.
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
From what I know, the site he bought it from did not do a background check. I've no idea.
Let's not talk about it, though. That would be "disrespectful"... 75 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
He bought the gun online.
In my past life... Heck if I know! 12 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Can we NOT talk about the thing again? Everyone seems to be afraid of it still.
· Edited 7 years ago
Horrible pun 3 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
A subLIMEinal message?
Boy meets world 7 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
I liked this show.
Why was "flabbergasted" the word of choice here? 8 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
I don't peel them here. We generally use the slices for garnishes or in our drinks.
Why was "flabbergasted" the word of choice here? 8 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Are you assuming that where you are is the norm for eating limes?
Dedication at its finest 11 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
No homework turned in was a 0. It still is a 0. It most likely will always be a 0.
Playing hard to get 2 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Well... When someone asks "So tell me about your family..."
Christmas came earlier this year 4 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Okay. It is before Christmas this year. Christmas came early.
I can’t get the 5th one 15 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Welcome. :)
I can’t get the 5th one 15 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
The first one is Counting Crows.
The third one is The Grateful Dead.
24 · Edited 7 years ago
Fear of the unknown 11 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
I'm not afraid of falling. I am afraid of the sudden stop at the bottom.
Ηunkules 22 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Can someone explain why we cannot talk about the thing? I know we aren't supposed to talk about it, but I've always wondered why.
Ηunkules 22 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Are we talking about the dinosaur thing!?
New born bunnies 6 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
I never knew that. O.o
New born bunnies 6 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
But these are bunnies. Not kittens. O.o
He took it literally 9 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
He got 3 and 4 right.
Finally someone saying the truth 3 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
However. At this moment, there have been 0 Shrek releases during Trump's presidency.
Is this ok? 39 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Question. Why is it okay for men to go around not wearing shirts, but not for women to? If people stopped over specializing things that were not meant for a sexual purpose, these conversations wouldn't be happening.
Is this ok? 39 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
I've never said anything about a nip slip. My wife breastfeed the newborn baby we have. I would never tell her to cover up the baby's head just because others are uncomfortable. I don't give a damn about what others think. It isn't hurting them. It doesn't affect them. So screw off with that crap. It is utter bullshit. I'm not gonna have my baby's face covered all because someone is uncomfortable with a fucking breast. Jesus Christ, people. It is a natural occurrence. Stop being so butthurt and worried about everyone else, and worry about yourselves.
Is this ok? 39 comments
novelus · 7 years ago
Why should you have to cover up? Your kid is hungry, so feed the kid. If y'all dont like it, y'all don't have to look at it. Mammals feed their babies like this. Humans are mammals. It is natural instinct. Get over it. Don't like it? Too damn bad.