They tried to make my account a bot account. They shall not prevail!!!
— NovelusŁ Report User
As much as I don't understand why fsers love roasting each others 32 comments
· 7 years ago
Usually a third party is a good party to see the situation, instead of party 1 and 2 not realizing they are the problem.
They deserve this 81 comments
· 7 years ago
I served in the military, and never once did I kill or shoot anyone. Ever. No, I was not a cook, either. We have been "invaded". Japan made sure to attack us before we got in the war. We were attacked by terrorists slamming planes into buildings. Slamming bombs on streets and killing people. People seem to forget that. We also stepped up to aid other countries that had some of those issues as well. You sit in your room in Australia, because there isn't anything another country would want to attack you for. You aren't considered one of the world threats by any enemies, as far as I am aware. Invading Australia is rather pointless, as is this conversation. Enough is enough.
They deserve this 81 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually, no. The taste is a bit bad, due to added chemicals. I prefer a water that doesn't have the strange additives in it. Those men up there, and women, that serve in the military, are there to protect our damned freedoms. That is in any government, except maybe a couple that are forced into military servitude. So why be disrespectful of the people who basically are there to protect your freedom of speech. So shut your damn trap and move to live in a place where your freedom of speech is shuttered, or learn to accept there are people out there who have fought and died for your freedoms. Enough is enough of this crap.
The silence that followed was worth more than gold 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Sure do. However, a vast majority of the time, the customer is in the wrong, and the manager will back up their employees.
The dog house 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Not to be "that" person... but I've seen it happen over arguments not breaking trust, or on a high level. If y'all are married or whatever, and both paying the bills, it is wrong to force someone else to do something because you are pissed off at them. Now, yes. Breaking trust is a huge ordeal. I understand that. However, still telling a person what to do out of anger is controlling, and that should never happen in a relationship. If you don't wanna sleep next to that person, then you go sleep on the couch.
Tesla Model 3 is indistructable 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Not necessarily. An absorption material could be used in place of the original design.
Water reflection art 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Ripples are used on the building so that on any given day when the water is choppy, the reflection works properly on the rippled water. If that makes sense. Basically, distortion on flat surface equals non-distortion on rippled surfaces.
Edited 7 years ago
Can't argue with that logic 41 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm currently watching the one after that where motorcades are not proving effective. Lol
God left 29 comments
Can't argue with that logic 41 comments
Can't argue with that logic 41 comments
Sometimes, you can be wrong 22 comments
Darn those lazy millenials 36 comments
· 7 years ago
Good thing that is only referring to hypocritical Christians who Bible-thump. All they do is teach what it says. Actions speak louder than words. I volunteer for many organizations. Donate to charity. Various other things. Yet, I get belittled for praying, because nobody sees the other things I do. I'm fine with that, because if I flaunted the other things, I'd be told I'm only doing it for fame. People judge too much. If someone isn't hurting you or another, then let them be in peace.
Darn those lazy millenials 36 comments
· 7 years ago
Dumb question. Why can't the kid pray in peace? It is not hurting anyone, so why state mean facts about it? The kid was doing what he thought was right.
I really want to know 9 comments
Hulk SELL 8 comments
I like triangles 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Shortest distance between two points is a straight line. No need for all of those added detours.