They tried to make my account a bot account. They shall not prevail!!!
— NovelusŁ Report User
German police brutality 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Obstruction of justice?
That's the dream 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Like I said, I'd apologize, but I am not sorry for ruining a joke that I did not find funny. I do not see how I ruined the joke anyways. You think my comments have caused others not to post in regards to your joke? I also don't see where I showed anger at all. I am not angry, nor am I upset at all. I do wanna give you props, though. You've not been disrespectful like I've seen others get.
That's the dream 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Not being cool enough to fight for Hitler means you would have had a choice to fight for him. Most German Soldiers, like I said earlier, did not have that choice. They were drafted. Most do not know that. Most think they joined the military on their own to support Hitler's fucked up views. I was shedding a bit of light to show that they didn't really have a choice. I would apologize for "Not getting the joke", but I didn't find it funny, nor am I sorry.
That's the dream 22 comments
· 7 years ago
I was unaware that the guest I had responded to had posed a joke. Please, enlighten me as to the joke he/she told, so that I may partake in the laughter. I'll wait. :)
That's the dream 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Apparently the site downvotes the truth still. Lol. People wanna keep believing in a beautiful lie. Ah well.
That's the dream 22 comments
· 7 years ago
The German soldiers were those people who were engaged in the war not because they were active participants in the political goals of the Nazis, but out of a sense of national duty and pride.
Nazis and German Soldiers are two different things. Nazis belonged to a party that was ran by Hitler. Most of the German Soldiers were conscripted (drafted). Some did not have a choice. Nazis enlisted, for the most part. There is indeed a difference between loyally serving your country, and being forced to serve under a man like Hitler. Please be aware of that next time in the future.
Nazis and German Soldiers are two different things. Nazis belonged to a party that was ran by Hitler. Most of the German Soldiers were conscripted (drafted). Some did not have a choice. Nazis enlisted, for the most part. There is indeed a difference between loyally serving your country, and being forced to serve under a man like Hitler. Please be aware of that next time in the future.
I should not laugh at this .... But I am 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Well, if she was questioning the witness, and the witness was like this, then it is considered defamation of character. Lawyers, judges, and other court officials during a case are protected under the law, and defamation of character is illegal, and she legally had the right to sue the witness.
FS, what are you pissed off at today? 29 comments
Legend!!! 4 comments
Black version 4 comments
They're good dogs, cale 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Thank you, @miniegg
That's the whole point. Dogs only know what they are taught, and they know their natural instincts.
Also, Bonesy. I had reworded myself. Maybe I've been around dog trainers and vet techs and whatnot too much. I've seen dogs be trained poorly and act like assholes. Then, I've seen what happens when a dog is trained properly. They aren't dicks when taken care of and treated properly.
That's the whole point. Dogs only know what they are taught, and they know their natural instincts.
Also, Bonesy. I had reworded myself. Maybe I've been around dog trainers and vet techs and whatnot too much. I've seen dogs be trained poorly and act like assholes. Then, I've seen what happens when a dog is trained properly. They aren't dicks when taken care of and treated properly.
They're good dogs, cale 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Somehow you got immediately downvoted, and it wasn't by me. Those dogs you speak of? People think they are the nicest they've ever met. Perspective, bud. Also, you "might" be a dick? Sir, you ARE a dick. I don't know your girlfriend. I should have worded my post better. That is on me. My apologies to her. To explain what I meant. The dogs may sense a negative vibe from the two of you, so to speak. Dogs have an uncanny sense when it comes to emotions. They can sense, anger, frustration, annoyance, etc. So, they feed off of that energy. If you and your gf have those feelings around the dogs, they may act upon it, and sense you as a threat.
They're good dogs, cale 26 comments
· 7 years ago
So, if multiple dogs are involved in being "dicks" to you and your gf... then there must be something wrong with you and your girlfriend. Problem solved. Don't blame the damned dog for not liking you. I'd be a dick to you in person as well. That doesn't make me a bad person, which means the dog isn't bad.
I cri 7 comments
· 7 years ago
You can do research all you want. However, like Facebook, a person may have their birthday private, so the kid would have no idea how old the dude was. Also, the kid wouldn't know if the person in the profile picture was the man he was contacting, as some people use their relatives as their profile picture.
I cri 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I've been searching for my biological family for years, and sometimes you just luck out. Social media can be a tool to help connect families. Trust me on that. Don't knock iy.
This man got it handed to him 6 comments
This man got it handed to him 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Illogical point there. You can have an extremely impressive IQ, and not invent things, prove/disprove theories, etc. Some people just may be that intelligent, but not want the fame that tends to go with it. I'm sure I'll get downvoted here for thiz.
Suicide 5 comments
· 7 years ago
You leave behind friends and family by committing suicide. Chester killed himself, and left behind 6 kids that won't have their dad tonight, or ever again. It's no joke.
Most romantic poem 5 comments
· 7 years ago
He is a WWE wrestler. He waves his hand in front of his face and always says "You can't see me".