

— notamerican Report User
Anon has an epiphany 5 comments
notamerican · 44 weeks ago
I liked that until the fembot comment. Now I hope you never get to marry and die alone
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
miniegg: I like you. Also "deleted" and I fell in love shortly after this fight and our love is forbidden but epic. Thank for shipping us, we appreciate your support!
This ain't Twitter but this ain't no side for Memes anymore either 11 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
also "unsympathetic cunts like the lots of you" isn't specifically calling one person something
Grill power 3 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
of course she did, girl power doens't mean that she can't use if for evil shit
Evolution 6 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
I'll take everything from 3-6, thanks
Student: I have a D Teacher: Say no more 11 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
I don't think you would
Fml I guess, I don't even like them as much as they like me but I don't.... 7 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
if they're homophobic then they're not nice people
German government cyber security 3 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
why would they write it in english?
World weather right now 3 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
I'm in Europe and I'm pretty happy
People wanted to see my cat so here you go 10 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
stop overfeeding it
Know the difference 7 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
they don't use padding for pussies, but they use it for their cocks. so it should be called penis padding. would make double sense 'cause it's for wieners.
Pivooslune emelingou 10 comments
notamerican · 5 years ago
me: what does that have to do with anything?
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
You amuse me, silver dildo. Of course Americans would kill me for this. It's what you do.
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
I know how this is confusing you. But most of us use their mouth to talk. You don't, I know. You're obviously using your arse. :D
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
Also, I knew you'd be to dumb to giva any sources. Disqualified. Ah, Americans, always good to cheer me up.
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG, this is great, I'm gonna use that one at the next party
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
My empire? What empire would that be? And only one part of your sentence is right, your nation is built on corpses.
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
your replies are getting weaker, what's up, loser? also, I'd also like to know your "sources". can't prove shit, eh? come on, retard, stomp your little foot and scream "I don't have to prove my stupid ass shit to you"
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
OMG LOL what? That was so stupid I don't even know how to respond to that idiocy. Why should we be restricted in our Internet access? Are you retarded? Or don't you know more European countries beside UK and France? Come one, redneck, tell another one. You're reinforcing my arguments.
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
Hahaha LOL, yeah, sure, babe. You sound totally like "who gives a fuck". Also not british, not french, but keep trying, redneck.
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
exactly. america knows nothing.
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
pot meet kettle. also what's up with your non-existent education?
Murica da best 63 comments
notamerican · 8 years ago
Oh, that's not just brits. We all love to expose you for the dumb shits most of you are. "The Earth is flat." "Creationism is a real thing." "Trump will be good for us." Unbelievable.