Be careful about what you say 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Microwaving is actually a method of disinfecting contacts. Not really used too much now though, and the effects were variable.
Tio 16 comments
When you put it like that 15 comments
· 6 years ago
The further north you live, the more you’ll understand the importance of this.
I kinda see her point 23 comments
· 6 years ago
There are lots of different brands og contacts with different price points. But the more expensive ones are usually better quality and has better wear, which is VERY important for ocular health. And some frames for glasses cost more because of the brand sure, but the quality is very different too. And then the lenses for the glasses - very different quality. And quality is important, even more so with high refractive errors.
Edited 6 years ago
I kinda see her point 23 comments
· 6 years ago
Where are you from la? And theres a difference between glasses worth 300 dollars, but discounted to 10 and glasses worth 1o dollars. You made it seem like your glasses worth 10 dollars were as good as the 300 dollar ones, which they're not. If they're worth more and you only paid 10 dollars due to insurance/discounts/gift certificate etc, theres a BIG difference.
I kinda see her point 23 comments
· 6 years ago
If your glasses are 10 dollars, they're shitty. Trust me. And with -3,00 you NEED good glasses, since you can't really go without them. I'm an optician/optometrist, and I'm still baffled over how people think 10 dollar glasses are okay to wear full time.
I will do it! I will take the ring to mordor! 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Can confirm that that is what it says. He is also asked what he would do if he got 5 million kroners (700 000 uds maybe) and says he’d buy a farm.
Girl lines up for a race 20 comments
· 6 years ago
I’m glad this was here, it’s cool, extra and a little silly. Just scroll past.
Just as I suspected at Starbucks 12 comments
· 6 years ago
We have different trashcans for food, paper, plastic, metal/glass, the «rest» and bottles. You get 1-2 kr pr bottle you resycle, inkluding beer cans. So if you host a party you can get some cash :) And the bottle recycling can be done in ANY grocery store. Whenever I’m in the US I feel so bad when I throw food and plastic in the same trash can because it’s so unnatural for me. I just don’t understand why everyone does the same. Bacause when you’re used to it, it really doesn’t take any more time or effort than what most Americans (and a lot of other countries) do.
Just as I suspected at Starbucks 12 comments
This should be done in every country 16 comments
Chilling in water on water 10 comments
Chilling in water on water 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Why? I drove it around an island at the end of a fjord, leading out to the open ocean in Norway with 5 of my best girlfriends. Can’t do that in a regular hot tub. And it was free.
Chilling in water on water 10 comments
Depends. Is it the person I hate most, or the person who hates me most? 11 comments
· 6 years ago
I don’t really have enemies, so the person who got 20 000 000 would just be a person who I don’t get along with, and whom I wouldn’t care if got the money. So Yes.