When I try to Impress my Crush 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I'd be impressed if you didn't break something.
One's in America the other's in Sweden 10 comments
Nailed It Comp' 13 comments
No words 8 comments
Doesn't get more ironic than this 2 comments
Chibi Sasuke in everyday life 24 comments
An 8-year-old's bacteria-filled handprint 8 comments
Ahhh Christmas is near! 7 comments
This makes me feel some type of way 12 comments
this would be soooo good 22 comments
this would be soooo good 22 comments
The Stuff of Legend 12 comments
Beautiful messy bun 12 comments
· 8 years ago
It's because they use tons of hair products and lots of bobby pins to do this.
Then they'll make a tutorial with the word "easy" in it.
Then they'll make a tutorial with the word "easy" in it.
Extremely accurate. 10 comments
· 8 years ago
This brings bad such bad memories!
One day in primary school I was blowing my nose as quitely as I could. When the teacher noticed me, she started telling me it was okay and then told everybody to get a tissue and blow their noses with me so I wouldn't feel shy about it except I was dying inside.
One day in primary school I was blowing my nose as quitely as I could. When the teacher noticed me, she started telling me it was okay and then told everybody to get a tissue and blow their noses with me so I wouldn't feel shy about it except I was dying inside.