I love having dyed hair so as a brown eyed person I'd be sad 85 comments
· 8 years ago
*sighs* Well... I do kinda look good with green hair... But with that ombre? I don't know...
I honestly still have no clue 23 comments
Attack of the Clones (and ham) 8 comments
· 9 years ago
That moment when you get really excited to watch a video because you see that one of your favorite youtubers is in it, but your internet connection sucks and it ends up being blocked... *le cries*
Unfortunately surprisingly accurate 80 comments
· 9 years ago
The Lightning Thief - "That doesn't matter right now." ... Welp... Ok, then...
I don't know if... But 2 comments
Ancient legends of heroes and villains. 5 comments
The Pacer was hell Y-Y rip athletic show off kids who prolly died 49 comments
· 9 years ago
I think so, because I never heard of this, and when I did, we only did it one year, and I've never heard of anyone in my school doing it since, but, who knows, it's probably required
I just got a star *_* wuhooo 11 comments
Try to describe FS. 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Umm... Here's a funny donut picture stolen from, most likely, pinterest or some other website with a title named 'funny title' and some people getting quite possibly butthurt and downvoting everything just because of a simple donut?
That's... Actually, pretty accurate. 12 comments
· 9 years ago
"She thought she had YouTube worthy humor, but in reality, she was the lowest trash of the comedy world."
Mother centipede protects her young 90 comments
Have you ever seen a baby ocelot before? 15 comments
Clever wallpaper that reacts to temperature 6 comments
· 9 years ago
But... Imagine someone doing it on the wall and BAM! It's all floral from here!
Same goes for art, it looks amazing to everyone else but you 5 comments
· 9 years ago
This is uplifting... Welp... *slowly moves to other device* Maybe I should just... Write a little now...
Is this a win or fail? 27 comments
The stuff teachers have to deal with 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I do... A lot... But it's usually when I finished the problems and I'm just waiting for someone to turn their tests in... And when I know I failed, I make fun with it! Win, win? I think so?
They just can't get enough 6 comments
· 9 years ago
You know, they can't actually help it... Depending on where it is on the charts tells how many times they have to play it per hour and it's sort of required of them.
when you see it 37 comments
· 9 years ago
*watches at school* *jumps* *shows friend* *slightly loud yell* I'm now dead to my friend...