

— nerdygirlforev Report User
Iā€™m still on my search for that 69% 21 comments
nerdygirlforev · 6 years ago
Stop stealing my covers 6 comments
nerdygirlforev · 6 years ago
But I must burrito myself! I need all the blankets..
My parents never outright say it, but I can tell that they don't want me to be a writer 10 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
I don't get why people want their children to go into certain career paths because everyone's different! Be a writer if you want to do that for the rest of your life! I know I do, and there's plenty of job opportunities dealing with writing and whatnot. They're not always obvious, but there are blogs, magazines, newspapers, books and so much more everywhere around us that gives a wide range of topics and ideas to write about. I don't normally comment on anything, but this is a topic that I'm completely and utterly passionate about. You should do what you want (and enjoy) because, in the end, it's your life, and you're the one who has to deal with the consequences.
Geevjo 126 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
<challenge> can you memorize and sing this tongue twister?(lyrics in comments) 5 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
I keep forgetting the tune, so I don't know how a whole crowd of people sung this with Dan and Phil
Same with hamsters 9 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
*internal screaming bc hat fic*
Ayyy guess whose wifi is f*cking up today 21 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Eeeehh, noice
~I'll beeeee goooone,in a day or twooooo~ 4 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
*someone walks in and asks what died*
Me: Umm... Nothing...
Hi everyone 44 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Ok, but this is seriously amazing, and I upvoted so many people on this now!
I would so watch that 16 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
I volunteer as tribute to be a judge!
I dislike eBay 7 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
eBay isn't actually that bad if you know what you're doing, you read things carefully, and if you have good feedback so the scammers have to refund your money.
Simmer well pupper 158 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Simmer well, pupper
What if? 24 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Well... My other me's need to choose someone and stick with them, because they really move around... One has to at least be the protagonist of a YA novel, though!
Took me a second 16 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
So I guess the point of this is to show it depends on the versions you read, or how up to date you are on this matter. What I've learned through this preacher's studies is that he must have done what he did before the new information came about! But really, the bible has been changed multiple times, so we've reached a point where we could be completely off. The last version I heard they were making is one with no mentions of gay people, so people would back off of them
Took me a second 16 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
As of 2005, I read on one website. "However, the number 9 is sacred to Satanism as it is the number of Satan himself and represents the ego, epochs and ages (The Table of Nine, Satanic Numerolgy, Draconis Blackthorne)." "As most people know, the number 666 is the number of the beast (see Revelation 13:18) and is evil, yet the occultists and New Agers love this number and consider it to be sacred." "The Triquetra symbolizing the three 6s of the Number of the Beast, 666" "Traditionally, the number 666 as dictated in the King James Version of the Bible has been identified with The Beast ā€“ the man that Satan will send as the second Messiah." "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:18)" But then again, "we shall use the more up-to-date number, as deciphered from the third century Oxyrhynchus papyri ā€“ that of chi, iota, stigma or, 616."
Took me a second 16 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
I'm sorry, I'm really confused at times, and do mess up facts! On this front, it's probably because my dad had received a lot of bibles and biblical research recently ('Normal' bibles, Satanic bibles, bible theories, missing books, etc.)
Took me a second 16 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Wait, no, what was said to be the number of the beast would have been 999 then, because the person was looking at a mirror and saw the reflection of three upside down 9's which turned it into 666. They then called it the number of the beast.
Took me a second 16 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
I don't know why they'd skip it considering the number of the devil in 999, not 666? (I actually just found this out a few days ago, wow!)
'Dad! I'm serious!' 'I thought your name was Hungry.' 5 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
My dad would be an oddball in the corner, soon getting a gathering as he talks about his 'cool' and 'interesting' job, and everyone else would be like 'oh, I've heard of that! I love the show about that. I always wanted to try it, but never got to.' And then he'd probably escape...
What a time to be alive, it looks delicious 3 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Oh, my aunt used to make these quite often! I loved them!
Happy Halloween everyone!!! 8 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Hey, um, you've been sitting there with your hands in that same position for a while now... You okay there?
Wedding 4 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
Casually waits for answer...
PPAP Death Note 7 comments
nerdygirlforev · 7 years ago
He is very important 7 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
Omg, I swore they sounded familiar! I love that movie! And I actually got to go see a local Spamalot show!
Stupid Americans 12 comments
nerdygirlforev · 8 years ago
But... We are like that... Maybe not as large as a scale, but they're plastered on enough...