

— nano Report User
Not Ha Ha Funny 3 comments
nano · 4 weeks ago
California started a "Road Diet". They stopped fixing many roads to limit traffic. This was a new green thing. Real states still fill pot holes. And never stopped investing in to infrastructure. Don't you remember the infrastructure jobs that Obama touted.
The irony [oc] 2 comments
nano · 12 weeks ago
they have a cure for that now.
Efficiency 3 comments
nano · 1 year ago
you would have to have special had soap to do this. soap scum would build up inside the toilet and have to be cleaned every weekend.
Yeah, basically 1 comments
nano · 1 year ago
He means they had no plan.
If it works for King 4 comments
nano · 1 year ago
I used to really like his books till I read books from really good authors. now I go back and try to read his works and I cringe so hard. It makes so much more since now that I see he just writes crap for word count and leaves it up to the editor to piece together a good book.
Become ungovernable 12 comments
nano · 1 year ago
this is called stealing. might be minor in your eyes but you can be fired and prosecuted.
Both are nice though 21 comments
nano · 2 years ago
Why do Europeans act like Americans are one continent. seriously there is south America and north America. also there are other countries in north America, Mexico, Canada, and United States. even then you have stats inside USA. It is so insulting. I went to America, really was it springfield, springfield, or paris.
But the Josh's are fighting 11 comments
nano · 3 years ago
well little Wendy, first when a grown up is accused of a crime they have to go through a thing called investigation. I know it is a big word but say it with me IN VEST I GAT ION. that is where they prove that he is guilty. That means they have to prove he did what they think he did. This is a thing grown ups do. Now go back to your paste you where eating and let the grown ups work.
Little uncomfortable 24 comments
nano · 6 years ago
Guns don't kill, people people do... wait i meant knives knives. we must ban knives even dull ones.
Am I the only one who thinks like this? 15 comments
nano · 9 years ago
it isn't free energy... he was trying to use the magnetic field of the earth to give everyone on earth free transportation of energy. the energy would still have to be created and most of it lost in transportation. this is why the backers scraped the idea