B.Tx L.Ca
Baby elephant hiding behind a light pole 14 comments
· 3 years ago
All I see is a pole and sugar cane are you sure Baby elephant isn’t with his momma?
When your prop gun thinks you're serious 40 comments
· 3 years ago
It wasn’t even his fault and sadly he have to live the rest of his life knowing he killed someone. It has already been eating away at him I feel so sorry not just for the woman who died and the man that was hurt but for Alec Baldwin as well. As for the FUCKING IDIOT ASSHOLE who fault this is really either from neglect or from doing it on purpose I pray they get caught VERY SOON so their victims all 3 (yes Alec Baldwin is a victim as well) can have justice!
A&W is at it again .. 1 comments
· 3 years ago
So sad that people are so dumb that they had to say 3/9 instead of 1/3 because people will think the 1/3 is less than 1/4 lmfao
At the pool with bae 6 comments
· 3 years ago
This is beyond funny because last time I took my kid to the pool we were teaching her how to pull her self out of the pool using the side not the ladder or steps.
If they were fraternal Twins and one was a male, I’d assume the male would be the heir, 7 comments
· 3 years ago
It’s the one born first twins aren’t born side by side lol
It has happen before many times actually. If both are male than the one born first is it.
If it’s male female than even if the female is born first it is the male. Because males have first right to rule. If it’s two females and that is their only kids than it’s first born again.
Edited 3 years ago
It has happen before many times actually. If both are male than the one born first is it.
If it’s male female than even if the female is born first it is the male. Because males have first right to rule. If it’s two females and that is their only kids than it’s first born again.
Footgoose 11 comments
Cronch 15 comments
· 3 years ago
Have you ever tried to bite soap LET ALONE A DIAL BAR?!?! That shit is hard and thick!!! Lol she got the jaws of life of the teeth world !!!
Edited 3 years ago
Right? 11 comments
· 3 years ago
See that right the is just some of land that Texas WAS FORCED TO GIVE UP TO THE OTHER STATES CAUSE THEY A BUNCH OF CRY BABIES WAH TEXAS IS TO BIG IT NOT FAIR!!! LIFE AINT FAIR!!! Lmfao sorry my ancestors appeared out me lmfao
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
· 3 years ago
Grab my mail from my ashes lol lol I’ll see if you can lol lol hold onto my ashes in the morning lol lol
Well looks like I’m double downing on the lols lmfao and that went a gray shade of dark lol
Well looks like I’m double downing on the lols lmfao and that went a gray shade of dark lol
Those ***ers are up to something 8 comments
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
i like my rocks mkay 4 comments
· 3 years ago
My sweet little mentally challenged kitty collected pens. One burst one her and colored her blue so I had to remove all the ink sticks from them so it didn’t happen again. Because she would get so mad if she notice you took one and trust me she knew one was missing like a mama cat would notice a kitten missing lol.
Sadly we had to give her away but I made sure she went to a good home that could help her with her special needs. Her brother as well he had social anxiety to where he feared everything. Even his vet thought he had a touch of some mental disorder. But we couldn’t pin point it.
I miss them both.
Sadly we had to give her away but I made sure she went to a good home that could help her with her special needs. Her brother as well he had social anxiety to where he feared everything. Even his vet thought he had a touch of some mental disorder. But we couldn’t pin point it.
I miss them both.
I was at the gym when this hit me and it bothers me 6 comments
· 3 years ago
It’s white with black because it’s easier to dye black stripes than bleach black to white
This meme is chaotic 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Mine tried and he screamed to stop saying sorry lol so I said ok sorry lmmfao
Edited 3 years ago
Theyre very cute 14 comments
· 3 years ago
Rollie Pollies and pill bugs
Bit of story
When I was in the 3rd grade we were learning about bugs and we got extra points (points were collected to buy tinker toys like fun erasers) if we bring in one that no one else brings in we get more points.
I brought one these guys. I only brought 1 but when I came back from recess there was A SHIT LOAD MORE in the cup!
I first thought it was poop till I noticed the little white things running everywhere lol. So I won the grand prize of points because I was the only one that brought a PREGNANT bug lmfao
Bit of story
When I was in the 3rd grade we were learning about bugs and we got extra points (points were collected to buy tinker toys like fun erasers) if we bring in one that no one else brings in we get more points.
I brought one these guys. I only brought 1 but when I came back from recess there was A SHIT LOAD MORE in the cup!
I first thought it was poop till I noticed the little white things running everywhere lol. So I won the grand prize of points because I was the only one that brought a PREGNANT bug lmfao
From the New York Mirror, 1950's 9 comments
· 3 years ago
I love to hear if their wifes/girlfriends thought a man should be spanked lmfao
Photo that became inspiration for Warner Bros. "Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote" 9 comments
· 3 years ago
The things you say out of anger is how you do truly feel but not wanting to hurt peoples feeling always stops you. It’s during anger that the need to not hurt their feelings leave and you tell people how you truly feel about them.
So don’t believe anyone who says I said that out of anger I didn’t mean it. Because that’s not true they will say it again every time you argue and they will think it every time they are mad at you.
It’s why I refuse to name call when in an argument with loved ones or anyone else. I stay on topic and only topic of argument. And if they name call I ask them why would they call me that when I have not once done the same to them.
Honestly it angers some people more because you won’t stoop to their level. Lmfao
Edited 3 years ago
So don’t believe anyone who says I said that out of anger I didn’t mean it. Because that’s not true they will say it again every time you argue and they will think it every time they are mad at you.
It’s why I refuse to name call when in an argument with loved ones or anyone else. I stay on topic and only topic of argument. And if they name call I ask them why would they call me that when I have not once done the same to them.
Honestly it angers some people more because you won’t stoop to their level. Lmfao
It's not a book cheryl... 4 comments
· 3 years ago
My husband has this manga book he loves it lol though it is his first manga he read so you can clearly see the struggle he is having to read it lol
Thesis defense was tough 6 comments
And a sprite please 6 comments
Men experience hardships and sorrow so they deserve the right to cry and not be scared they be made fun of.
Same goes for a woman. Not all women “use crying” to get out of things. I have heard that saying so many times in my life that it makes me stop crying just so I can get a good look at the person. That way I know I am killing the right person lmfao.