Your saviour has arrived, and his name is paint.net
Snip snap, snip snap! 61 comments
· 4 years ago
A political post? And guest_ is here? Buckle up folks, we're all about to learn a lot more about things than we probably ever wanted to.
Don’t trust your government kids 3 comments
· 4 years ago
That would be true if the census was global, done by one entity, but because they're all done individually, the 1 percent error only applies per census.
What an interesting predicament 8 comments
· 4 years ago
You'd better not be moving to a different country, there's a pandemic going around
What an interesting predicament 8 comments
You literally can make that up, Joey 3 comments
Drug sniffing cats! 4 comments
· 4 years ago
I mean, if they want heroin, they're gonna get it, may as well make sure that it's good shit
Lush, new zealand 3 comments
Dont fear the reaper 7 comments
· 4 years ago
They're referring to the sounds puh and buh, and how that can spread things futher. Not sure how to explain it in English, but if you do it yourself, your breath is more spread?
Just like the good ol' days 7 comments
· 4 years ago
I still think that countries should decide their leaders via rap battle
His MIND is BEYOND you 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Coke comes in a red can. Do you know what else is red? Communism. Boom.
Best friends!! 19 comments
· 4 years ago
This is old news, and not even correct. In fact, on the first day, many hand-in stations were open for hours after they said they'd be, because of the sheer volume of weapons being handed in. My opinion on the matter is mixed. While I don't believe private citizens should be able to access guns, because that can easily be a slippery slope to more instances like the March 15 attacks, I also recognise that criminals probably don't care about any laws legislating against that, especially if they have premeditated intent.
How dare they have a head 5 comments
Hmmmmm 2 comments
· 4 years ago
The person she's replying to appears to be black judging by the profile picture