Your saviour has arrived, and his name is paint.net
Another gem found from my weird google searches 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Cape is non-optional for The Superman
Some real juicy oc for you 5 comments
h*rny jail 18 comments
Anons don't agree about self-improvement 13 comments
· 4 years ago
I can actually attest to the workout thing. My self esteem got better when I started exercising more. Doesn't have to be anything difficult or costly, just 50 situps after waking up and before going to bed
Dammit josh 5 comments
23 meter and 56 tons weight bridge was stolen in Murmansk, Russia 4 comments
· 4 years ago
How? Why? What, couldn't be bothered building infrastructure so you just nicked it?
F 14 comments
Can't wait! 5 comments
Daily dose of bad wisdom #33 3 comments
We found the Karens` manager 7 comments
Oof 4 comments
savings 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Ben Franklin caused a zombie apocalypse and crashed a plane to eat hair. He's not much better
Deep characters are hard to come bi these days 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Gay characters done right: Brooklyn 99 (seriously tho Holt and Rosa are brilliantly written). Kinda bored of all the stereotyping done with LGBT characters in shows these days. Yes, [character] is gay. No, this does not mean they have to be sassy sidekick, nor does it mean they need to constantly talk about how they like boys.
Scorching 24 comments
· 4 years ago
Temperature affects different people based on the standard local climate
Edited 4 years ago
the noodle has a secret for ya 4 comments