

Norwegian hobby photographer
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— Mr_PigeonWizard Report User
So Elon Musk wants his kid to be X Æ A-Xii. WTF is Æ and how do you type it into a name 6 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
I mean, you could just hit the Æ key...
So Elon Musk wants his kid to be X Æ A-Xii. WTF is Æ and how do you type it into a name 6 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
So Elon Musk wants his kid to be X Æ A-Xii. WTF is Æ and how do you type it into a name box?
(TITLE FROM REDDIT r/AdviceAnimals)
We just cleaned up a whole Malaysian playground in one hour. This is how much trash we 1 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
We just cleaned up a whole Malaysian playground in one hour. This is how much trash we collected in that short period of time. Don’t let the #trashtag die out!
(TITLE FROM REDDIT r/pics, xposted to r/EcoNewsNetwork)
Wonder Woman was the first paper piece I ever made back in 2012. It was about time I made 2 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
Wonder Woman was the first paper piece I ever made back in 2012. It was about time I made her again.
Not the best photo haha, but some friends and I went as ‘The Three Musketeers’ for 2 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
Not the best photo haha, but some friends and I went as ‘The Three Musketeers’ for Halloween, with a funny twist.
That awkward moment when you are right but you know its better to let your woman win the 3 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
That awkward moment when you are right but you know its better to let your woman win the fight...
I watched my 3 year old daughter slide these Ritz Crackers under my mother in law’s TV 1 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
I watched my 3 year old daughter slide these Ritz Crackers under my mother in law’s TV about 4 weeks ago. I’m not saying a word.
Literal animals 8 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
In Norwegian the squid/octopus is ink squirt, the sloth is lazy animal, the hedgehog is spiky pig, the rest are similar to what is in this post
Picture of Pat Morita AKA Mr. Miyogi from a movie I produced in film school in 2003. He 1 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
Picture of Pat Morita AKA Mr. Miyogi from a movie I produced in film school in 2003. He was drunk the whole time and the movie sucked. But an unforgettable 3 days hanging with a legend.
I recently started making designs based on the names of marijuana strains for fun. This 5 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
I recently started making designs based on the names of marijuana strains for fun. This is "Banana Kush".
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain (Slavic folklore) 5 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
The sacral being, the Mistress was surrounded by rituals and taboos, e.g. women did not come down in the mine, because it was the Mistress's domain, and young men seeking her patronage did not marry. The violation of the taboos was supposed to bring a harsh punishment. Children were taught not to shout and quarrel next to the stones, and to keep quiet in the mines, because, according to popular belief, the Maid disliked loud noises. Her distinguishing attributes were lizards, copper and malachite.
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain (Slavic folklore) 5 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain has the appearance of an extremely beautiful young woman with green eyes. Some of her more distinctive features include dark braided hair, ribbons from thin tinkling copper, and a gown that is made from malachite. She wears a diadem decorated with malachite and precious stones. As a mountain spirit, she is the protector and owner of hidden underground riches. She is said to be always surrounded by her servants, small lizards, which can be green, blue, golden or luminous. The Mistress can appear as a lizard herself. According to the legends, a person who sees the Mistress comes under her spell. She shows kindness to good people and skilled craftsmen, helping them to find jewels and gold, but if her conditions aren't met, the person loses all his luck, skill and can even die. She could permit or prevent the mining in certain places, give or take wealth.
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain (Slavic folklore) 5 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
"The Copper Mountain" is the Gumyoshevsky mine, the oldest mine of the Ural Mountains, which was called "The Copper Mountain" or simply "The Mountain" by the populace. It is now located in the town of Polevskoy, Sverdlovsk Oblast. In some regions of the Ural Mountains, the image of the Mistress is connected with another female creature from the local folktales, the Azov Girl (Russian: Азовка, tr. Azovka), the enchanted girl or princess who lives inside Mount Azov.
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain became a well known character from her appearance in Pavel Bazhov's collection of the Ural Mountains folktales (also known as skaz) called The Malachite Box. The Mistress appears in the third skaz, "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain", and in 9 other stories from the collection, including "The Stone Flower", "The Manager's Boot-Soles", and "Sochen and His Stones".
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain (Slavic folklore) 5 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
The Mistress of the Copper Mountain (Russian: Хозяйка медной горы, tr. Hozjajka mednoj gory), also known as The Malachite Maid, is a legendary creature from Slavic mythology and a Russian fairy tale character, the mountain spirit from the legends of the Ural miners and the Mistress of the Ural Mountains of Russia. In the national folktales and legends, she is depicted as an extremely beautiful green-eyed young woman in a malachite gown or as a lizard with a crown. She has been viewed as the patroness of miners, the protector and owner of hidden underground riches, the one who can either permit or prevent the mining of stones and metals in certain places.
*stares in cps* 4 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
Oh damn, I didn't know they built 5G antennas into valve stems
Syrian man listens to music on his hand-cranked gramophone in his destroyed bedroom, 1 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
Syrian man listens to music on his hand-cranked gramophone in his destroyed bedroom, Aleppo, Syria (Photo by Joseph Eid)
This is a large meteor crater in Arizona. It missed the visitors' center by only a few 2 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
This is a large meteor crater in Arizona. It missed the visitors' center by only a few feet.
sunset time 1 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
I'm looking at you, Amazon reviewers who give a product a 1-star rating based on a 4 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
I'm looking at you, Amazon reviewers who give a product a 1-star rating based on a shipping issue.
(TITLE FROM REDDIT r/AdviceAnimals)
Shoe dog 2 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
Mr. Wellintons at your service
A Nice Little Mythology Map 9 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
The maps, or the creatures?
Maps are @snowbeast's speciality, but I'll be covering the creatures eventually, possibly after the Slavic folklore, also, while British/Irish folklore is technically Northern European folklore, it's so
plentyful it deserve its own spot
I made smoked pork tenderloin sliders on a pretzel bun with garlic aioli and a blend of 5 comments
mr_pigeonwizard · 4 years ago
I made smoked pork tenderloin sliders on a pretzel bun with garlic aioli and a blend of six cheeses.