Cringe: 100 4 comments
· 7 years ago
If the first excuse doesn't work, use ALL OF THEM!!
My boyfriend would do this. 21 comments
My boyfriend would do this. 21 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm sure the wife is more than aware of that. Does nobody on here know humor?
My boyfriend would do this. 21 comments
· 7 years ago
This is something my boyfriend or I would do as a joke to tease or poke fun at one another. Never in a spiteful way. You don't know this couple, they could very well be doing it to poke fun as well.
It's true. I just tried it. 29 comments
It's true. I just tried it. 29 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't take the time to downvote. I just comment a reply if I have an issue.
It's true. I just tried it. 29 comments
My boyfriend would do this. 21 comments
Smoking cures cancer ya'll 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Some of these girls look like they're posing like that on purpose. I knew girls in hs that would do this to get a reaction from guys.
It's effective, okay? 17 comments
· 7 years ago
Really. Some people don't know. I just got mine after over 3 months of not having one. They aren't like clockwork for everyone.
Cinderella's Castle At Walt Disney World 3 comments
The way real couples sleep 42 comments
· 7 years ago
I thought I was the only one. I hate cuddling only because I get so hot. His feet and body are like ice and mine are like the depths of hell.
Edited 7 years ago
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
· 8 years ago
Not every creationist refuses to believe in evolution. Nice generalizing there, though.
If it works it works 3 comments
The Biblical flood never happened 44 comments
· 8 years ago
There's a theory that when the bible says "yhe whole world" it actually means the world that they knew. Like just the area they lived in. The bible has been translated so many times through many languages, I'm sure plenty of things were bound to seem overdramaticized or misunderstood when in translation.