Eye level 7 comments
· 8 years ago
God my puppy does that. She practically punches the door
Edited 8 years ago
this is rude but sooooo funny 9 comments
Stay woke 5 comments
wowe ths puper is the next toni hak 4 comments
Stay woke 5 comments
Everyone with Suicide Squad 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I heard that it was supposed to be a darker comic and they made it pg13 and kinda comical. Haven't seen it for myself yet though.
Hummingbird nest. Thumb for scale 4 comments
That's not how it works 46 comments
· 8 years ago
The outcome of rape ending in pregnancy is not that common you fucking idiot. All these ridiculous pro lifers always pull the rape card. Newsflash, I was raped by two different men in my life multiple times throughout my childhood and teen years and never once did I fall pregnant. Getting pregnant is almost always choice, keeping the baby should not be a choice, it is a responsibility. It's sickening that I prayed and hoped and took care of myself everyday to keep my child healthy and my baby still didn't make it, but all these irresponsible and selfish people are just murdering away their babies. That's fucking disgusting.
That's not how it works 46 comments
· 8 years ago
@peachypersimmon honestly that was a really stupid response because you knew exactly what I meant. I guess they should go get "fixed" then if they don't want kids. Quit being fucking irresponsible and killing a child because people can't go to the store and buy a pakc of condoms.
Edited 8 years ago
That's not how it works 46 comments
· 8 years ago
I know I was just adding on to your comments. If you're too irresponsible to wear condoms then it's their own fauot of they get pregnant and I think they need to deal with the aftermath.
That's not how it works 46 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't know why that's so hard to understand ^. Why kill a baby if you made an irresponsible choice? The baby I lost had a heartbeat at 6 weeks and I very much consider him or her a person. You can't tell me that it was just a "cluster of cells." That's bs. That's a fucking child you're carrying in your belly.
That's not how it works 46 comments
· 8 years ago
If you are for abortion then just go get your uterus taken out to save you the trouble since you don't want babies anyway.
But no excuses, right 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Except professors have a lot more to do than a student. This is coming from a student.
Could it be a mixture 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Since I am not entirely fluent in Spanish, I generally think in English. But I catch myself thinking in Spanish sometikes and I've also had dreams in Spanish.
Different breakfasts around the world 30 comments
When two dumb people argue 15 comments
That's A Little Too Overdramatic 5 comments
Children in Africa could have eaten that bread. Oh wait... (The bread wedding) 21 comments
· 8 years ago
I didn't say there was anything wrong the the bread wedding. It was very humble of them to do that. But it says "These are the wedding stories that need to be shared, not the extravagant ones with the unnecessary pomp." I'm just saying if you can afford all the unnecessary pomp, why not? I'll share my wedding whether I have a very basic one or one that I spent my life savings on.