That's Very True 92 comments
· 8 years ago
I dont want a huge jump in minimum wage, but I DO believe you should be able to live off of minimum wage. Not in a life luxury, but at least something to pay the bills and groceries. And the people saying get an education, who is going to do all the jobs that don't require an education if everyone goes to college to get a degree? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I dont blame anyone for wanting more than 7.25 an hour. 15 is drastic for what they do, but a bit more than minimum wage is fine.
If you like pineapples on your pizza 13 comments
They can sleep anywhere 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I think puppies in general can sleep anywhere. They are so sleepy all the time.
His expression is so precious #teambucky 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Everyone knows what you obviously originally put. It really doesn't work when we all explained our reasons for Cap being the best.
I definetly agree with this 53 comments
· 8 years ago
Because they are judging a little girl who could have the same issues. And no, it doesn't exclude him from ridicule you dumbass, people are still going to be judgemental whether they know the full story or not. He gets made fun of all the time for his weight and it isn't even his fault. All of your comments are so fucking stupid. You seem like a 12 year old child.
I definetly agree with this 53 comments
· 8 years ago
You probably shouldn't be so judgemental. My little brother is quite a bit overweight for his age because he has a heart condition that makes it dangerous for him to work out. He had open heart surgery when he was 12 years old and since his heart didn't start on it's own he had to have a pacemaker and defibrillator put in. The only thing he can do is light exercises, which he does. Walks a couple miles a day for several days a week, he also diets because he is pretty self conscious at 14 years old, but even with strict diets and light exercises, he stil loses hardly any weight. Sometimes it really isn't the childs or parents fault.
*SPOILERS* For all of u saying Iron Man lost the fight in Civil War 36 comments
· 8 years ago
"Even when they turn on him"? Last time I checked Tony turned on Cap. He wanted them to sign something that Cap believed would ruin everything for them, and Cap stood up for what he believed. And I guarantee if you were in Cap's position you would have believed Bucky over Stark. Plus, Cap tried to explain that Bucky wasn't in the wrong there and Starl wouldn't take it.
Also "blind with rage"????!!! Did this guy even watch the 5 minutes prior to this??? The wholer reasonCap did that was to protect Bucky because TONY went blind with rage?? This whole entire logic is flawed.
Also "blind with rage"????!!! Did this guy even watch the 5 minutes prior to this??? The wholer reasonCap did that was to protect Bucky because TONY went blind with rage?? This whole entire logic is flawed.
Currently on Funsubstance 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Have to agree with celtic here. He also admitted that a big reason why he signed it was to get Pepper back.
Plus Cap was right the entire time and it took Stark the whole movie to even accept it.
Plus Cap was right the entire time and it took Stark the whole movie to even accept it.
A box of siberian pupkakes 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Awww! We had found a husky we were going to get, but we went with a half great pyrenees/half anatolian shepherd mix instead! She is 9 weeks old and we also have a 10 month old australian shepherd, so our household is very crazy!
Currently on Funsubstance 18 comments
A box of siberian pupkakes 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Yessss. Finally someone understands not to buy them just because they're "cute."
Slam-dunking the Belle look 12 comments
To every girl out there 15 comments
That laugh tho 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I seriously love this video every time i watch it. She is so adorable
Being healthy is for the rich 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Not really. I just spent$75 the other day on significantly less food when I made healthier food. I hate twinkies and love broccoli, so yeah.
this is totally not p*rn... 12 comments
this is totally not p*rn... 12 comments
this is totally not p*rn... 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Parn? Pern? Purn? I have no idea what that censored word in the title could say??
*CRINGE* (pls no click if u no like cringe) 35 comments
· 8 years ago
Your name is showing up in blue in captain's comment and it lets me click on it.
*CRINGE* (pls no click if u no like cringe) 35 comments
haven't gotten any negative remarks on my tattoos which is cool 11 comments
· 8 years ago
That's neat. I have a close friend who has a batman tattoo on his chest.