

I love my doggos.

— morganwinchester Report User
Well, damn 10 comments
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
No problems here 21 comments
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
Pretty bad when you don't understand it.
Buttery nuts, just the way I like them. 36 comments
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
This has to be the last hidden post I'll ever look at
I wanna achieve this too 13 comments
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
It's possible. At work we have audit machines and they can weigh the money. Including the bills.
Dufuq? 14 comments
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
Miss school for a couple days. Freak her out. Then later come back like absolutely nothing happened. But be strangely extra nice to her, but hint to her that you know things.
Then put that bitch in jail when you're done with your fun.
How does he use touchscreen? 25 comments
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
Right... listening to to porn?? It's late and I didn't think that through.
How does he use touchscreen? 25 comments
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
"Watching porn."
"Shit shit! shut the fuck up, siri!"
Anti... 6 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
6666 favorites. Yeah he's the devil.
oh 11 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Someone pissed in your cereal for breakfast, didn't they sweetie? ^^
oh 11 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
I'm in a restaurant and I am laughing so hard omg
Tall girls and their problems 12 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Do you have a preference? Like George Foreman or maybe Kenmore?
Mexican restaurant puts up Anti-Trump sign 38 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
But they are still denying somebody based on their decisions. I guess a better comparison would be like a restaurant denying muslims. I just think it's a little hypocritical for people to be all for something like this, but then all against anybody else that discriminates against homosexuals or certain races or certain religions.
Mexican restaurant puts up Anti-Trump sign 38 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
??? This is literally the same thing everyone threw a fit about when a restaurant refuses to serve homosexuals??? The only difference is that they are refusing due to someone's OPINIONS rather than sexual orientation
This is getting out of hand 8 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Most bananas are sold by weight, it's probably the price by weight.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
5/7 would read again 7 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
I understand the title reference and I like it
*sarcastic voice* who would do such a thing? 9 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Dear God. People are making a big deal now because there are colors for boy babies and girl babies?
The dilemma of many voters 14 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
I can't believe we dont have one single good candidate this time around.
Just ended a 5 year relationship..... 5 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Yeah. It was.
How do I find x when y=I don't give a f*ck 12 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
My dad's in prison... soo... how does that work for me?
you just know/just girly things 8 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Pregnancy makes me like this. I almost cried bc I remembered I couldn't have lunchmeat and I really wanted some.
We are terrifying...isn't it cool. 24 comments
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Well the removing limbs and stuff and living through that, we'd have to give it to science and medicine. Wouldn't be able to do it without it.