My summer life 9 comments
· 9 years ago
No because I do nothing but work 40 hours a week and go home and sleep :(
Edited 9 years ago
Hmm... She has a point 12 comments
here you go ladies. (and the guys too.) 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, what about that offensive shit that nobody finds funny? Like making fun of a little girl with a legitimate disease?
here you go ladies. (and the guys too.) 29 comments
· 9 years ago
God forbid somebody posts something nice.
Whereas you post ridiculous stupid shit, hop off.
Whereas you post ridiculous stupid shit, hop off.
poor other fandoms. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Never complained about anyone with depression you stupid cunt. Wanna direct me to where I did that?
Edited 9 years ago
Tiny earth 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Super cool pic. I love stars. I just got back inside from watching the Perseid meteor shower tonight.
this is actually extremely accurate 35 comments
this is actually extremely accurate 35 comments
poor other fandoms. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
What the hell. I don't have a sister. And I'm pretty sure I'm not unattractive. A bitch, yes. I'll gladly own up to that. And I'm owning up to it without anonymity. Can't say the same about you, can we guest?
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
· 9 years ago
dear god stark you have gotten your point across. If you would look in my earlier comments, I AGREE. I KNOW THE EARTH IS NOT ONLY 6000 YEARS OLD. Seriously just stop. Would you like me to repeat myself so that I can get through to you that even if I am a christian and creationist, i still believe the earth is more than 6000 years old.
poor other fandoms. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Okay if it is that popular then HE WOULD NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BEING DOWNVOTED. dear god stop arguing with me.
poor other fandoms. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Obviously not too popular if it's getting downvoted and he's throwing a fit that people don't like it.
poor other fandoms. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
... if a tumblr post meant for fun pisses you off then maybe you should reevaluate.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
· 9 years ago
Well if you research, the hebrew word used was "yom." Translated? It can mean either 1 day or a period of time. I believe its the period of time. God did not create time. Man did. Even in the bible it says 1000 years to man is 1 day in the eyes of God.
Because of that 50 comments
Because of that 50 comments
· 9 years ago
Not true. Makeup just accentuates the beauty that's already there.
This kid wins at Halloween 52 comments
· 9 years ago
It doesn't mean God changed. It means his laws changed. Again, c3 and I know what we believe. You really need to research more before you throw accusations and say how it isn't realy because if your reasonings. Seriously. And let me tell you that you just made yourself look like a complete dumbfuck by bringing up shit that you don't know about. You keep rambling on and on. "He is unchanging, so the laws cant change either." Where the fuck did you get that. He sent his son to put a new law in effect, end of story. God himself did not change. His laws did. As for all those stupid laws ypu brought up, every one of those is in the old testament. I hear those all the damn time and it pisses me off because it PROVES TO ME that you have absolutely no idea about Christianity because you are too narrow minded to research a little about it, therefore you are deemed to be someone to not be taken seriously.
This kid wins at Halloween 52 comments
· 9 years ago
I hope you know you're not changing anyone's opinions. Fuck off.
And btw, tl;dr.
And btw, tl;dr.
This kid wins at Halloween 52 comments
· 9 years ago
I never saw him forcing his religion on anyone. Seems like you guys are overreacting. Stop acting like he's not allowed to have an opinion, dear god. You people are fucking brutal when you don't agree with an opinion. This site is becoming more and more like tumblr where you're only allowed to have an opinion if it's what everyone else agrees with. Damn people. Lighten the fuck up.
C3, I'll support you. It's good to see what you're doing. Don't take these people seriously.
C3, I'll support you. It's good to see what you're doing. Don't take these people seriously.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
· 9 years ago
Old Earth Creationism is an umbrella term used to describe biblical creationists who deny that the universe was created within the last 6,000 to 10,000 years over the course of six consecutive 24-hour days. Rather, Old Earth Creationists believe that God created the universe and its inhabitants (including a literal Adam and Eve) over a much longer period of time than is allowed for by Young Earth Creationists.
It's still creationism. Just old earth creationism. I do not believe we evolved.
It's still creationism. Just old earth creationism. I do not believe we evolved.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
· 9 years ago
Not true about the 6000 years part. It depends on what kind of believer in the bible you are. Fun fact if you are interested: Biblically, it says that the earth was created in 7 "days." But I want to note that 1. Time was man created, not God created. And 2. The word day in hebrew was loosely translated. Their word for day was lso used to mean a set period of time. We have no idea how long those "7 periods of time" are. They could jave very well been millions of years apart because God has no concept of time.
So there you go guys. Please.stop assuming that every creationist is stupid becase I assure you, we aren't.
So there you go guys. Please.stop assuming that every creationist is stupid becase I assure you, we aren't.
I hate people like this... >:/ 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Well technically... you're the person like this since you just posted this...