I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
· 9 years ago
Or creationists dont like being generalized and assumed they are stupid for their beliefs. Way to be an ass.
I just stood there, baffled 146 comments
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
· 9 years ago
You know what? I did not call you names but here we go you pathetic, SELFISH little bitch.
You're getting butthurt about a lion that was passed the age of reproducing and was probably going to die anyway you dumbfuck. Get the fuck over your whiny little ass and take care of something real. Stop spelling like a 5 year old too. AND DID I NOT JUST SAY THAT I HAVE BEEN TO A 3RD QORLD COUNTRY TO HELP SOMEONE. I built 2 houses with a team of people so that these people would have somewhere to call home. I regularly volunteer at nursing homes and with other organizations. And i am going to college right now to get a degree to GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY AND HELP PEOPLE WHO NEED IT. You're such a spoiled little bitch that you would rather whine about a dead animal than actually do something about. Start or join a fucking organization then if you care about it so much.
You're getting butthurt about a lion that was passed the age of reproducing and was probably going to die anyway you dumbfuck. Get the fuck over your whiny little ass and take care of something real. Stop spelling like a 5 year old too. AND DID I NOT JUST SAY THAT I HAVE BEEN TO A 3RD QORLD COUNTRY TO HELP SOMEONE. I built 2 houses with a team of people so that these people would have somewhere to call home. I regularly volunteer at nursing homes and with other organizations. And i am going to college right now to get a degree to GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY AND HELP PEOPLE WHO NEED IT. You're such a spoiled little bitch that you would rather whine about a dead animal than actually do something about. Start or join a fucking organization then if you care about it so much.
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
· 9 years ago
Holy shit lexi. Find something else to cry about because I guarantee you found all that stupid shit on the Internet and just went with it because you want something to throw a fit about. Fucking getting tired of these people. He was 13 years old and passed the age of reproducing. Get the fuck over one lion and maybe worry about something major like children starving in 3rd world countries and families living on the streets. I've been to a 3rd world country twice and let me tell you that you are so fucking privileged. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Listen to a woman tell you a story about how every time it rains she gets soaked and so does her entire family because they live in a government issued building that wouldn't even pass as a run down barn for people like us. When we asked her if she wanted anything from her old house, she just looked at us and said "i don't have anything in my old house." So you know what? Stop with your stupid lion rant and maybe start helping your own fellow humans.
Edited 9 years ago
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
· 9 years ago
Dear lord polog he did it legally. They LET him. He had official guides. Stop worrying about ONE LION. He did not go out and murder 20 of them. He hunted one. And you know what? Cecil was 13 years old. Lions typically live 10-14 years. HE WAS OLD. He wasn't going to live much longer. Start researching and quit whining about stupid shit.
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
· 9 years ago
Here you go.
I've read that most zimbabweans feel this way. It's an animal. Only americans are getting mad because they want something to be angry over. Find something more important.
I've read that most zimbabweans feel this way. It's an animal. Only americans are getting mad because they want something to be angry over. Find something more important.
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
y'all need to calm down and be kind 19 comments
· 9 years ago
He hasn't. He's actually gotten better. I used to make fun of him but realized it really wasn't my place to judge what he does. It's not my life and he's not harming me in any way.
Edited 9 years ago
funny soup directions. 5 comments
· 9 years ago
You've put this on two random posts now. Get a life.
Edited 9 years ago
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
· 9 years ago
I completely agree with this. Although I dont think nobody caused an uproar about the kids murdered. But really, it's a lion. Just a lion. There are plenty more. What about the violent human to human murders? Nobody causes an uproar about that as much as an animal being killed.
y'all need to calm down and be kind 19 comments
I have no words for this one, one of my favorite text posts. 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I haven't seen a lot of these tumblr posts and I'm on nearly everyday. Stop hating crf, I'd rather herr make these than post 10 tumblr posts in a row. I like them and so do a lot of others. Keep 'em comin, Seph.
What's wrong with America unit of measurement 24 comments
· 9 years ago
God forbid America doesn't want to do something the way others do. Is it really harming other countries that we do things differently? Stop complaining about dumb shit and start complaining about the important things. Worrying about stuff like this isn't going to solve starving children or abuse victims or terrorists. I wish people would get as upset about things that matter.
Rant over.
Rant over.
Sexual assault on men 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Okay this makes me so angry. Seriously if it was the other way around the title would be "Let's castrate this guy" or "this man is disgusting" etc.
True, little sisters got their own raptors 37 comments
Dwarfism does not affect soft tissue, asshole 12 comments
Much single. In your area. Such h*rny. Wow 4 comments