Warning: crazy, pro-gay rights activist, bad humor, doesn't know when to shut it and give up. A good friend when you get to know better.
— Mizu Report User
go on and relate to this! 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I forgot what movie was that?
Think about it 10 comments
When Two Graffiti Artists Duel 5 comments
Books 5 comments
· 11 years ago
When my school did this I come home each day with 5 books in my bag and a locker full of 30 more >>
The little match girl 20 comments
· 11 years ago
The video is way more depressing, I think I like this ending better!!!!
Bad luck boyfriend 5 comments
· 11 years ago
There's a little tattoo mystery/rumor that says if you get your loved ones name or face done on your body you break up later on
Homemade flubber 16 comments
· 11 years ago
My mom used to make me this when I was a kid! She make multiple colors for us to play :D
Babe caught me slippin 3 comments
Heard this from a 6yo girl who was crying like her cat just died. Seriously 27 comments
· 11 years ago
I remember when I was a kid I got a brick Nokia phone with one game on it and that was snake! Had it for 5 years! :)
Come here, let me love you 27 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm one of the many girls who prefers the older males, and when I was 16 I dated a guy in his 20s and saw it as something that wasn't a big deal. Afterwards growing up and having different relationships with older men made me think what if my daughter was dating a older man and went though what I did. I'm not against it or for it but I believe that as long as the relationship has its limitations until the younger partner understands what they are dealing with completely then they can choose to do what they wish as grown adults in love.
Cute couples and shit comp 28 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh dear god! I saw the pit of doom photo and it was something to be afraid of!
Neil Patrick Harris and his family 19 comments
· 11 years ago
You person! You're very kind and brave to admit that. Hopefully one day you can be pro-gay or at least help other anti-gays understand gay people can be great parents.
Smile & wave to the crowd :) 20 comments
· 11 years ago
The reason there is no arms is because the dog had a accident if I remember, and learned to walk on back legs like a person when someone rescued te dog from being put down
Children's worst nightmares 48 comments
62 what're you looking at? 7 comments
Some celebrities without make up 14 comments