

I'm an 18 year old girl living in the USA. I love to write.

— MissRaven Report User
Google. 81 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I just read through this, and I just have to say that attacking people by downvotes for no real reason is kind of cowardly. If you disagree with something, then say it, but don't downvote everything everyone says just because you dislike the person. That's completely close-minded, obtuse, and absolutely ridiculous.
If you don't like Song because she supports transexuals, so you're downvoting everything she says, what does that say about you? That you're willing to hate a person just because they support other people? That you're willing to refuse to listen to everything a person has to say because of one view they have? That seems like a great thing to aspire to. And if any of you are doing it because it's not "what God meant for us", one of the commandments is "be kind to thy neighbor" - that doesn't mean hate everything they do because they're not perfect Christians/Catholics/Muslims/whatever. Even if you aren't doing it for religious reasons, part of being a good human being is
BURN!!! 30 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
It took me way too long to realize that vets meant veterans, not veterinarians. I was very confused why pet doctors were brought into this.
BURN!!! 30 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I think the only point that can be said about America is that benefits and pay are being cut for our troops. The homeless starve. Yet Congressmen don't take leave without pay.
How neighbours work 5 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
The neighbors once called child services on my mom because they didn't believe that my little sister had an older sister. They didn't believe I existed, that's how little they know about me.
Your Body Is Yours, And Nobody But You Has A Right To It... 28 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
They have asked stranger rapists who have been caught what they look for in a woman. Never once have they said that they look for someone attractive or wearing immodest clothing. In fact, they rarely even remember what the girl was wearing. It can happen during the day. What they look for is someone who isn't going to be noticed. They look for the easiest victim, because they're horrible cowardly people who like feeling as though they have power. Rape isn't about sex, it's about power, and no matter what, it is never the victim's fault.
The one exception 29 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I'm fine? I like writing for villains xD
The one exception 29 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
Can I just say that that second post is how I actually started a role play once. Let me just say that I have a family of serial killers (the dad is a psycho who wants to take over the world, and the mom went to prison for kidnapping this girl and teaching her to kill) and they have like seven kids (it was eight, but one of the younger ones was told to go kill the guy in the basement but she was confused and killed her brother instead). All of the kids are raised to be killers and yeah this happened.
Awkward... But me 69 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I once heard it as "Imagine someone wearing a condom made of velvet and making sweet love to your ear"
Why do you always need a title? 112 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
How to deal with cyberbullying 15 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
And in order to know to block someone, you have to read what they said first. You're not just going to forget about it just because you shut your computer or blocked the person.
Never be ashamed of a scar 31 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I am stronger than lots and lots of kittens.
I wish I could give a hug to everyone who feels this way 39 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
Just because other people's problems are different doesn't necessarily make them bigger. Whether it's from suicide or starvation, dying is still dying. How can you judge whether hurting so badly you want to die is worse than dying despite wanting to live? And in my opinion, at least no one is telling children in third world countries they aren't /really/ starving, it's all in their head. Everyone's problems deserve to be fixed, no matter what they are or where they live.
Tumblr on lesbians 19 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
Me and my girlfriend say that instead of "I love you" most of the time.
Ahhh the ghetto 2 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
There is literally one that keeps finding its way to my back yard. I get the message.
>.< it actually hurts. 9 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I think I am that friend >D
procrastinating 16 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
Thank you for posting that. I thought it was just me .-.
Tumblr on lesbians 19 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
They don't even mention typical condoms in our schools.
Jen & Conan Part 3/5 (Ben) 8 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
When I was in 7th grade I had this kid who sat behind me in 5 of my seven classes, and he would just sit there all class saying my name in this creepy deep voice and chuckling. Oo I tried talking to him once and he just laughed.
Tumblr on lesbians 19 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
Huh. That's pretty awesome, it's definitely different here. We're taught abstinence only, so all we get is a day where an old woman shows up and shows us a bunch of nasty STD pictures and is like "don't have sex".
Tumblr on lesbians 19 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
Dog, explain how that's an 'of course'? I'm a lesbian and I would assume they /don't/, considering a condom is kind of a thing you put over penises, and I really doubt that our society has gotten to the point of considering that for us.
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I've thought about it, but I don't really have the money for anything.
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
You guys actually know more about me than most people, but here it goes: I have gaps in my memory that I can't explain, and I can't help but wonder if something happened to me that made me forget. The first is a year and a half long. I can't remember my sister's dad at all, even though he lived with us. I don't remember my mom being pregnant or giving birth, even though I was in the room when my sister was born. I wish more than anything I knew why.
Hunting you down 124 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
I've been playing 999. Horror game, but I think I'll be okay if it's the player character. >> otherwise I'm fucked.
Damn Snorlax 7 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
He looks so proud at just having sat up in the second to last one XD
I should have invested in a unicycle instead of snow tires 11 comments
missraven · 11 years ago
Not as bad as people from the school I went to in California. Even the teacher didn't know that Salt Lake City was Utah's capital.