I'm an 18 year old girl living in the USA. I love to write.
— MissRaven Report User
That's the real problem 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Good on you, but that doesn't make me moving out of the country a more viable option. I'm looking at colleges in other countries, but considering how poor I am, college in my area isn't really an option, let alone college in another country. I honestly don't mean to say that you have less of a problem in your country, you don't, but life isn't pie just because I live in the USA. Out of my ten best friends, I know for a fact that four of them have been molested by someone they know. One of them was raped, and had the child two years ago (she was fourteen). One of my friends was raped in her sleep by her boyfriend a month ago. Out of all of these cases, only the boyfriend is being brought to court. Just because I live in the united states where things are better than in other places doesn't mean we have no problems.
That's the real problem 9 comments
· 11 years ago
have about $70 dollars to my name, it's not like I can just up and leave the country. There are a lot of people who complain online because they can't do anything about it. Yeah, it's probably pointless, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something, and I'm sorry you think you're entitled to say that I should move out of my country because I'm spoiled, but you shouldn't move out of yours because you're complaining too.
That's the real problem 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Just because it is not the worst, does not mean I have no right to want things to get better. Just because you have internet wherever it is you live doesn't mean you don't have the right to complain about your 'presidents' spending. There are tons of places that have it worse, that doesn't mean you have it perfect, and neither do I. Everyone has different problems, and just because that sucks does not mean that mine aren't valid. Just because you aren't starving and dying of AIDs in Africa doesn't mean you don't have real problems that you have as much of a right to complain about as everybody else. <3 Secondly, I am well aware that things could be worse than where I live. I posted this here because it was valid, not because I spend all my time like "the NSA this and that". I have as much of a right to voice my displeasure on the internet, as far as the laws of the internet go, as you, no matter whether I live in a spoiled country where I'm oh so spoiled or not. Third, I'm eighteen and
This messed up generation 106 comments
· 11 years ago
You did say you agree with the post completely, when the post was talking about how much our generation sucks... So? And sure, it's more socially acceptable for teenage girls to wear hardly anything more than a bikini in public, but there are a lot of other things that were not bad that weren't socially acceptable in the past (or by past generations), like women actually having rights and not being owned by men, and gays having relationship rights. So our generation is not /bad/, and I'm sick of people saying that they've lost faith in it. I have complete faith in our generation for being the most open-minded in a very, very long time. I'm proud of us for the majority who actually see that alcohol is bad and it isn't cool to be a slut. The only thing that disappoints me about this generation as a whole is that we have a tendency to look at one thing and judge the whole world.
Kitten goes for the dog throne 5 comments
Kitten goes for the dog throne 5 comments
· 11 years ago
XD my kitten commandeered the dog's water bowl. we have to take the kitten out of the room for him to get a drink.
This messed up generation 106 comments
· 11 years ago
And there are still lots of people who do that. It's just the ones that honk the horn get publicized. the "our generation" everyone thinks about is a few loud dbags. There are lots of good things about our generation that are actually unique, and almost every single thing people complain about has happened in past generations.
This messed up generation 106 comments
I know this isn't going to be the funniest post, but people need to know this 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Please don't, guest. I know I don't know you, but I do know a lot of people who have been through this, and when they don't kill themselves, things always get better. I know several people who have attempted, and after that, all of them regretted it. They were so happy they were saved. More than you know, people will miss you.
I know this isn't going to be the funniest post, but people need to know this 22 comments
· 11 years ago
"The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not want people to suffer the way they do."
This messed up generation 106 comments
· 11 years ago
Maybe they weren't judging the world, but rather specifically "our generation" which could be defined as the people like us, not just people born at the same time (ie, people of our age in first world countries)
Faith in my generation: Lost 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Most teenagers who drink started in their preteens, and if you're an alcoholic you probably won't realize it. Even if you do, there are some who don't care. Even if they care, there are some who feel too uncomfortable getting help to "right yourself" and get sober. If you don't believe me, this is from toosmarttostart.gov
"Approximately 10 percent of 12-year-olds say they have used alcohol at least once. By age 13 that number doubles. And by age 15, approximately 50 percent have had at least one drink."
If you think none of them are addicted, I don't know what to tell you, but this isn't a problem starting when they're 19. I guarantee that most of the remaining 50% won't even try alcohol until they're 21. Some won't ever. Every alcoholic I know (which is a lot) started drinking before they were 14.
"Approximately 10 percent of 12-year-olds say they have used alcohol at least once. By age 13 that number doubles. And by age 15, approximately 50 percent have had at least one drink."
If you think none of them are addicted, I don't know what to tell you, but this isn't a problem starting when they're 19. I guarantee that most of the remaining 50% won't even try alcohol until they're 21. Some won't ever. Every alcoholic I know (which is a lot) started drinking before they were 14.
Faith in my generation: Lost 19 comments
· 11 years ago
It doesn't matter if they had an inkling by sixteen if they were addicted to alcohol by eleven.
Faith in my generation: Lost 19 comments
This messed up generation 106 comments
· 11 years ago
Erm, excuse me - kids have always /always/ tried to act more grown up. It isn't this generation's fault that there isn't much to grow up from when you're giving your 8 year olds iPhones. Furthermore, much of societies' perception of us is judged by movies - WHO ARE THOSE MADE BY? Not teenagers. Who chooses what music plays on the radio? Whichever adult has the money to pay to get their client played by /adults/. If they played good music, more teenagers would listen to good music. Sorry, but stop blaming kids entirely for society as a whole, when they're just growing into it. And the same applies to the generations before. It is a mutual problem from the last thousand years, that gets worse, not just this generation's problem.
Faith in my generation: Lost 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Erm. "As long as my mom's okay with it, I don't give a fuck what anyone else gots to say"? Evidence that stupid people have been around longer than our generation.
Twilight description 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I think they meant they had never heard the word zoophilia and were replacing that word with beasiality, not they meant she was picking between zoophilia and beastiality...
Let's report them all 12 comments
Humans Did Not Evolve From Monkeys 56 comments
· 11 years ago
Just because you can't do something doesn't mean someone else can't, especially someone supposedly all-powerful like God. I honestly don't normally talk about my beliefs, but I really dislike it when people rant on others beliefs, so in my opinion, that opens you up to me talk on your beliefs as well. Now let me put it this way: how long would it take for you to take a ball of clay and shape it into a round-ish thing? Less than a minute. It's basically the same thing, but on a larger scale, with other things added in later. I believe in science - science is true and I don't believe that can be argued, but I also believe in God.
Also, I'm pretty sure how we measure time would be the last thing he is concerned about considering I'm fairly certain time measurements didn't happen for several thousand years after Adam and Eve. Plus, even if you know what the time is for something else, you tend to keep track in your own time first.
Also, I'm pretty sure how we measure time would be the last thing he is concerned about considering I'm fairly certain time measurements didn't happen for several thousand years after Adam and Eve. Plus, even if you know what the time is for something else, you tend to keep track in your own time first.
This isn't really 'fun', but girl whoever you are I love you. 22 comments
· 11 years ago
I think the real thing we need to think about isn't what people we don't know and can't help don't have - that will do nothing for us and it won't put perspective in our lives. We need to think about what we're doing to those people who we complain about or to. Your parents got you what they probably thought was a really nice gift and you complain that it's the wrong color? Why not be grateful towards them instead? Express how much you love them and the gift - even if you don't love it that much or it wasn't what you really wanted. Because those people deserve better than your selfish, bitchy complaining about the color of your gift.
His mum must have laughed so hard 87 comments
The difference between girls & boys 10 comments
· 11 years ago
looks like a lesbian practicing on a guy who is actually into her to me :P
· 11 years ago
I only had one doll when I was a child (I'm a girl) and I named her Neighborhood after this show...
their parents should be in jail!!!! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
@musicfreak I'm sure that they weren't being serious - it's called a joke, that is what this website is for, remember.
Edited 11 years ago