I'm an 18 year old girl living in the USA. I love to write.
— MissRaven Report User
A lesson for parents 7 comments
· 11 years ago
My mom freaked out at me and started calling me selfish when I tried to tell her THIS.
soon bieber...soon! 17 comments
· 11 years ago
It won't work, because he isn't going to be picturing himself when he signs his name, he's going to be thinking about her. I wonder if he saw the outside of the notebook and went "wtf?"
The Little Girl in the Picture 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't tell anyone to kill themselves, please. It's unkind and whether they can spell or not doesn't mean that they don't deserve to be on this earth. You aren't being helpful and you're being quite rude.
On facebook 63 comments
· 11 years ago
It doesn't matter if you can block the texts or not. That doesn't stop the ones you've already read. Please refer to my post below about the matter. This is something I feel very strongly about, because it shouldn't matter if they can block you or not. You should not be enough of an asshole to tell people things that would drive them over the edge.
On facebook 63 comments
On facebook 63 comments
· 11 years ago
There is nothing pathetic about being overwhelmed or hurting inside. It is absolutely pathetic to tear people down for any reason. If you don't have something helpful to say (even if that something is negative) don't say anything. It's cruel and unnecessary to tell people to kill themselves no matter what they do, and even if they don't, it is absolutely not okay to tell them to.
If someone is helping you for free 3 comments
· 11 years ago
It doesn't say tell them to slow down, just not to hurry up. Telling firefighters to hurry up is a bad idea too; they are already doing everything they can you'd just be distracting them.
My god 14 comments
· 11 years ago
I've been well aware of the chemical weapons the whole time, and yeah they're bad, but I don't understand why it's the UN's job to go in and attack them and get all hell raised because they did. You don't want people using chemical weapons? Maybe you should take their chemical weapons rather than just attacking them. Sorry not Miss me, but just because things are illegal doesn't mean it should be handled this way.
The Little Girl in the Picture 26 comments
Autism 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Even IF vaccines 'caused' autism, how many more people were saved from /deadly/ diseases and didn't get autism? I know one autistic kid, but everyone I know has been vaccinated. Why would you assume that vaccines cause autism when plenty of people don't have trouble? Clearly many diseases were taken care of and aren't a problem anymore, so vaccines work the way they're supposed to, and most people don't get autism or anything else because of the vaccines. So even IF autism is caused by vaccines, what's the alternative?
5 life hacks 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh, yes, because obviously you should be mean to telemarketers just because they need to make a living.
Really, what's the point 9 comments
· 11 years ago
While I agree that swear words on their own can't harm you, their intent can. Words like "bitch" and "faggot" can be very hurtful and beyond being 'swear words' they're just mean. It's inconsiderate to use some words like that, and I believe that they're words that should never be used. However, I also believe that ass, damn, and fuck are perfectly fine to use, if you aren't using them in some way to harm people.
On facebook 63 comments
· 11 years ago
putting one more drop. You never look like you've got no skin, and there's no way for them to know about the thirty other people who have all put a drop of lemon juice on there as well. For anyone who isn't suffering, many comments wouldn't even matter. They would just roll off and maybe be a little sticky (like a drop of lemon juice). But those people who are already hurting, each of those drops compound until it's enough to drive you over the edge.
On facebook 63 comments
· 11 years ago
This may be true... but for the people who struggle with these things, the doubt in yourself is already there. You already worry if you annoy people or if you aren't good enough. Even though you block them or you know what they say isn't true, you still read it and you still believe it. Often cyber bullying isn't a comprehensive list of everything you've done wrong where you can realize before you read it what it's about and not read it. Often it's just a short statement, like "killing yourselves is part of natural selection". You look at that and you've already read it by the time you realize it's hurtful. Please keep an open mind and remember that many people who face suicide are depressed which is a mental condition. You're already suffering without anyone saying anything, so even the smallest things make a huge deal. It's like all of your skin being ripped off is depression and then someone puts just one drop of lemon juice on your finger. Only each person to say something is
s*xism is just inverted 39 comments
· 11 years ago
Hate to break it to you... but if men who pursued careers didn't say things like "make me a sandwich" they might not be called chauvinists. Furthermore, I play video games all the time, and no one has ever called me sexy, cool, or fucktastic.... and guys who do other things and aren't fat aren't called fat or lazy whether they play video games or not. I'm pretty sure "cougars" go after younger men who actually pursue them, where "pedophiles" no matter the gender go after /kids/ whether they want them or not.
I wish I could give a hug to everyone who feels this way 39 comments
· 11 years ago
This was exactly what I needed today. Even the smallest reminders that someone out there is going through what I am help so much. It's hard, but I'm so glad I do have this problem. I understand people better because of it - I just wish someone I was close to understood me...
How a teacher deals with cellphones 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Class points you get for participating. I don't understand why the hell people downvote people for asking questions. Honestly, it's not their fault they don't know.
How a teacher deals with cellphones 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't know about your teachers, but mine never stay at their desk all class period.
How to look your best the morning after 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Have you been abused? No? Then don't pretend you know why people stay. In some cases not respecting yourself might come into it, but in a lot of cases it's so many other things.
Stupid ex-girlfriend 25 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't know about you, but I think he was being pretty responsible about the break up until the girl was an ass.
Smut 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Considering what's said on that paper, I would think whoever typed it has read the book, otherwise they wouldn't know anything about the relationship or how the book portrays BDSM. And even if the book is amazing, that doesn't mean there isn't better (at least in this person's opinion) than stuff for free on the internet.
their parents should be in jail!!!! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Just because it isn't the worst way to handle things doesn't mean it couldn't be handled better. Just because someone is getting one meal a day rather than one meal a week doesn't make one meal a day okay.
What the hell happened?! 28 comments
their parents should be in jail!!!! 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, because forcing children into the same shirt will resolve everything. My mother used to try this on me and my sister, and she wouldn't let us argue at all. Sure, arguing can be annoying (and in many cases hurtful), but when we were actually working things out, she would yell at us. Obviously forcing us into the same shirt where we couldn't talk about anything that we didn't get along about was a more effective method. The GOOD parenting method when your kids are fighting is helping them come up with a resolution, and when they get older, encouraging them to come up with their own without being hurtful.