

— Misakitsu Report User
short answer: obviously not 12 comments
misakitsu · 7 years ago
Okay maybe you have different kinds of test where you are from
But where I live it's not so easy to correct since there are normally written huge answers and so.
Btw I don't mean to defend teachers but I can understand them and that is coming from a university student so yeah xD
short answer: obviously not 12 comments
misakitsu · 7 years ago
The thing is doing homework is usually less than correcting... let's say 20 tests in a day
Guess the conflict 11 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Playing with the kids also helps them to stay sane I imagine
I guess it's a good thing 24 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
I expected a let me google that for you link :p
Nah I didn't see the sign before he number I am fucked in my head sorry :p
I guess it's a good thing 24 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
What are jokes?
Exactly what I think 12 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Did he... compare dancing with going to war?
I didn't know you could put these words in that order into one sentence
3 · Edited 8 years ago
I guess it's a good thing 24 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
The US dollar is worth less than a euro it's 34000 usd just saying
My back to school playlist :) 16 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Only for the weak- In Flames
House of wolves- Bring me the Horizon
Son...We're moving to the moon 8 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Surface tension of the water
Get outscienced!
Unlimited first class ticket 12 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Yes I know but I was referring to the guests comment not what written in the post :3
"What time is it?" "Oh, about a quarter til grapefruit." 8 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
That's a saying
Taste is something that should not be negotiated because there are so many different opinions and if you start arguing then you will never find an agreement
So it's a saying and not shouting down someone's opinion in fact it was just the oposite
Unlimited first class ticket 12 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
1 year=365 days
3 years are even over 1000 days
From 1987 until 2008 are more than 3 years if I am not mistaken
Are you still pretty sure mister guest?
"What time is it?" "Oh, about a quarter til grapefruit." 8 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
I didn't post this to shut down his opinion
That's why I said the taste thingie
I just wanted to give my opinion on grapefruit :c
"What time is it?" "Oh, about a quarter til grapefruit." 8 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Obviously because they're bitter as fuck and disgusting but hey
Taste is not negociable :*
Ignorance Has No Color 31 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Less crowded with idiots
And the idiots are those who overuse the term racism in my eyes
Ignorance Has No Color 31 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Why can't everyone realize this
The world would be so less crowded with idiots
If the world lost oxygen for 5 seconds 19 comments
misakitsu · 8 years ago
Thanks post for mentioning that we are made off veeeery much water
Now refer to the oceans evaporating point and think again what would happen to us