Double standards? 8 comments
· 6 years ago
sorry /Jannet/
Double standards? 8 comments
Legend 24 comments
· 6 years ago
im sure you would cry too if your brother got killed and you had to kill your boyfriend
Too many abandoned pets 16 comments
· 6 years ago
if it's saving an animal off of death row that clearly shouldnt be there, then im pretty chill with it
Star Wars Fandom is toxic 21 comments
· 6 years ago
dude she cant control what her character does, she doesn't deserve to be harassed for a character she plays
Trump with Kardashian 13 comments
What the f**k is wrong with some people 45 comments
What the f**k is wrong with some people 45 comments
Dog discrimination 34 comments
· 6 years ago
did you know that pitbulls were originally known as nanny dogs for their nurturing and protective nature before people decided to make them fight? They still are that way, even ex-fight pits that have been rescued. dont be such a cunt guest by presuming a myth about angels to be truth
Dog discrimination 34 comments
It's the Russians 17 comments
· 6 years ago
they're not wrong tho, multiculturalism is okay until white people do it i guess
Realistic 56 comments
· 6 years ago
if he were talking about it like that, i dont think he'd be getting so pissy over a women on a cover with majority men
He's right you know 10 comments
When the friendzoner gets friendzoned 13 comments
· 6 years ago
in one of my previous relationships, i was uncomfortable of my at the time boyfriends best friend-- but let me tell you about this best friend. He would regularly go on anger tirades, threaten to kill himself or kill others, was ungodly violent both physically and mentally, self diagnosed himself with psychosis, autism (which he had been tested for but it came up negative, go figure) and a whole other skew of mental illnesses that at the time were trendy on tumblr, had told me to kill myself when i was going through some tough times, and "kinfirmed" a bunch of fictional characters (which i find just flat out cringey). sometimes the friend is the problem, not the girlfriend.
Kdot 21 comments
· 6 years ago
words are words. either none of them are okay or none of them are. nigga isnt exactly keeping people in the cotton fields anymore, it's just a word now
It's close to 99% irl 23 comments
So smart 15 comments
Small loan 10 comments
· 6 years ago
@serosenpai where else am i going to get a nut button and aheago hoodie in one place?
Fashion master 18 comments
"You're dragging shit around your house" 11 comments
· 6 years ago
people wear shoes indoors? i thought the whole idea of shoes was to protect your feet from outdoor terrain
Theory: A reason Marvel changed their looks for Infinity War 6 comments
· 6 years ago
i dont really like the blonde hair for black widow tbh, i prefer the ginger over it