Changing lives one at a time 11 comments
· 9 years ago
I live in nigeria and i have not heard about this woman.....a white woman with tatoos all over her body feeding malnurished children... ... Pretty sure i would av heard of it if it were true or it happnd in nigeria ...... stories like this tho tergetted to make people feel like there is still good in d world actually make africans look bad....... You dont need stories like this to reassure u that there is till good in this world, as far as you do good to your fellow human thats enough and a lot to d person at d recieving end, moreover good and bad coexist <balance> ...
At this point feminism is dead and it's become a synonym for misandry 146 comments
· 9 years ago
The way they express their opinions in words is disgusting.......this are people that having experienced shiiit with that level of shortsightedness
Advice for you teenagers 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Nicotine> DONT but THC>u have my blessing............weed is not harmful like cigarettes and alcohol