Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
And you don't have to make your bed everyday 12 comments
· 3 years ago
100%. Eating "loudly" is the more appropriate way to eat in places like China
"Wherever there's a straight line on a map, there's an increased chance of war" 15 comments
· 3 years ago
I don't get this one. Europe was colonized. You think the Austro Hungarian, Russian, or Ottoman empires weren't colonizing the Balkans and Eastern Europe? Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Finland, Serbia, etc.
Force choke could be handy 9 comments
Don't work harder than you get payed 5 comments
Happens More Times Than You'd Think 7 comments
· 3 years ago
This has been my experience for the past several months. I don't want to have the same conversation 6 times a day with strawman arguments and people who don't listen but just want to speak. It's getting old.
Force choke could be handy 9 comments
· 3 years ago
Iirc in the extended universe Ki-Adi-Mundi had a family as his species was like 20 to 1 women to men so it was necessary that he be allowed to have many children otherwise his species could die out
Edited 3 years ago
Fun fact; Hawaii was annexed by the US 1898 for use as a military base. 4 comments
· 3 years ago
It would have been the Japanese, British, or Germans who would've colonized Hawaii had the US not in 1898.
Just saying .. 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, that was meant to be a rant about pundits in general. Twitter went from a fun place to see shit posting to political grandstand over these last several years.
Just saying .. 5 comments
· 3 years ago
She's a political pundit. All they do is post some pseudo intellectual take that dog whistles to their follower base. There's no solution to a problem from these people. It's all just bitching into the aether and eventually making money from this bitching so they can do more bitching.
Holden Ford all throughout mindhunter 6 comments
· 3 years ago
I want a season 3. I just hope the love arc stuff is mostly left to the past.
Like, seriously? What’s the ***ing difference? 5 comments
· 3 years ago
I use edge for the rewards program. I just brain afk search for shit all day long and get points for it to redeem for gift cards. At one time I used Chrome but that was so I could use plug-ins for a browser game I played.
Risk and/or Reward 9 comments
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
· 3 years ago
"If the Nazis were commie, and the Soviets were fascist, what would be different from how they were?" There would've been different leaders in charge of each country lmao.
This is 100% hyperbolic. "The Chinese people are slaves".
"It's a non-point to try and attribute racism to any political system." That wasn't the point of that section. You said "Actual fascists I've talked to have taken great offense to the idea that anybody is "elite" or "undesirable" and yet the historical basis of the fascist movement was classist at it's base. Workers remain under the bosses and the bosses wave a stick to keep it that way. That's hierarchical. Womens rights to representation and work being removed is patriarchal. A colonial peoples being subject to racial purity measurements is hierarchical. If you weren't a macho Italian man willing to die on the front lines fighting in the imperial struggle to reconvene the Roman Empire you were a second class citizen. That is heirarchical.
This is 100% hyperbolic. "The Chinese people are slaves".
"It's a non-point to try and attribute racism to any political system." That wasn't the point of that section. You said "Actual fascists I've talked to have taken great offense to the idea that anybody is "elite" or "undesirable" and yet the historical basis of the fascist movement was classist at it's base. Workers remain under the bosses and the bosses wave a stick to keep it that way. That's hierarchical. Womens rights to representation and work being removed is patriarchal. A colonial peoples being subject to racial purity measurements is hierarchical. If you weren't a macho Italian man willing to die on the front lines fighting in the imperial struggle to reconvene the Roman Empire you were a second class citizen. That is heirarchical.
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
· 3 years ago
I think the issue is the term fascism in the first place. In right wing circles of today fascism seems to be synonymous with totalitarianism/autocracy. I.e. anything that can be percieved as against "individual rights" is totalitarian and/or fascism. Which is not what fascism is. Fascists are totalitarians but totalitarians aren't all fascist.
Fascism is a nativist, nationalist, and imperialistic system of government that totes military action and conquest of lesser peoples as their foundational doctrines. Right wingers in the US today aren't fascists. Fascists are Fascists. So much of this rhetoric has been muddled by the political state of right wing politics here in the US rn. As the neo cons and trumpists are fighting for party supremacy rn.
Fascism is a nativist, nationalist, and imperialistic system of government that totes military action and conquest of lesser peoples as their foundational doctrines. Right wingers in the US today aren't fascists. Fascists are Fascists. So much of this rhetoric has been muddled by the political state of right wing politics here in the US rn. As the neo cons and trumpists are fighting for party supremacy rn.
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
· 3 years ago
It's hard for me to believe that having read so much on the Fascists rise in Italy, as with the rise of Naziism in Germany, and Fracoist Spain as the fascist forces of Europe that people can say with a straight face that Communism and Fascism are one and the same when nearly all base fascist writings were filled to the brim with anti-communist rhetoric.
The right of private ownership of land, so long as you were of a desirable race, sex, religion, or parentage, was permitted in fascism whereas it was entirely illegal in the USSR.
The anti-labor movements headed by corporate and manufacturing leaders using a militarized police force to beat workers into submission at the behest of the state is seen as communism is baffling to me.
The right of private ownership of land, so long as you were of a desirable race, sex, religion, or parentage, was permitted in fascism whereas it was entirely illegal in the USSR.
The anti-labor movements headed by corporate and manufacturing leaders using a militarized police force to beat workers into submission at the behest of the state is seen as communism is baffling to me.
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
· 3 years ago
Most of the political rights and freedoms won for Italian women were revoked/reversed. This was an attempt to force women back into the mothership roles that Fascist regimes priortise. You also have the Italian colonial holdings. Ethiopia for example was conqured by the Facists in 1935. In doing so the Italian army, with Mussolini's permission, used chemical weapons to kill the resisting eithopians which had been outlawed in the Hague, which Italy signed, with the justification that colonial subjects weren't people. There are extensive articles written about Italian occupation of Ethiopia with citations expressing how and in what ways racial and religious segration were strictly enforced.
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
· 3 years ago
"And I'll argue too that China is not capitalist, as their government is selling the people as slave labor for state benefit." As hyperbolic as ever I see. Do you believe every individual in China is a slave to the state and it's enterprises? Entrepreneurship is a large part of Chinese culture. Alibaba and Didi Chuxing are just two examples. In my area of expertise, pharmaceutical companies, most are private entities. The existence of private enterprise is capitalism. Capitalism exists under autocratic regimes. China is an autocratic state. China is a socialist welfare state with capitalist institutions.
Land ownership can be defined however you want based on whatever culture you ascribe to. You could make the argument that due to tax laws in the US you never truly own land here.
"Actual fascists I've talked to have taken great offense to the idea that anybody is "elite" or "undesirable"" In the one true Fascist nation under Mussolini the rights of the minority were abysmal.
Land ownership can be defined however you want based on whatever culture you ascribe to. You could make the argument that due to tax laws in the US you never truly own land here.
"Actual fascists I've talked to have taken great offense to the idea that anybody is "elite" or "undesirable"" In the one true Fascist nation under Mussolini the rights of the minority were abysmal.
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
· 3 years ago
China isn't a communist country. No matter how much their propaganda and ruling party claim to be. Land in China is owned by the government but land is leased to private individuals for a set price for 99 years. It's defacto land ownership. Ever since the death of Mao and the succession of Deng Xiaoping China is a capitalist nation in all but name. The Chinese call is "Communism with Chinese Charictaristics".
Carpe Truck? 26 comments
· 3 years ago
Communism and fascism are mutually exclusive. Fascism is class based and hierarchical. The leadership, the elite, the working class, then the undersireables. Fascism is inherently nationalistic. Whereas communism is inherently outward facing. Private property exists in a fascist nation whereas it doesn't under communism. There is some overlap in militarism and anti-democratic practices.
Humans are humans 14 comments
· 3 years ago
You wont get a dissertation in tweet form. His tweet, like most political or historical commentaries, will always lack nuance. These are dog whistles through and through.
Humans are humans 14 comments
How's it's done 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Kill the king, kill the poor and destitute, install military dictatorship, reinstate the king, overthrow the king, establish republic, lose war, reinstate emperor, lose war again, reinstate republic x3 more times, lose war, become fascist puppet state, win war, become republic, economy and society collapse, reinstate new republic. Summation of French political instability from 1789-1958
Edited 3 years ago
Everyone does but no one survives 1 comments
· 3 years ago
NNN was originally No Fap November and meant to be a joke to get incels to try and pursue women by removing masterbation as a getting off option. When it changed to NNN I have no idea.
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about income? 12 comments
· 3 years ago
The ones you hear about do. I figure most people who have economic freedom pursue whatever passions they have. I know of several well off people who couldn't care less about art but have a myriad of atvs, boats or other outdoor vehicles.