Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Amoogus society 1 comments
· 3 years ago
Thanks, I hate it
It's just a map 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Thank God it's not just me then lol. In the past couple months I've "played" it for a couple hours but mostly what I'm doing is running console commands and watching the AI'S Duke it out lol
Edited 3 years ago
It's just a map 6 comments
· 3 years ago
How tf do you play Stellaris? I have like 100 hours in and I'm beyond lost 95% of the time. I can do HOI and CK but Stellaris is beyond me
Ah shit , here we go again 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Get a load of this guy. Having bread in China. What are you some kinda imperialist capitalist pig? Bat should be consumed via soup how Mao himself intended
Fall of Communist Romania 2 comments
· 3 years ago
@famousone. Would recommend giving this video a watch. It gives a basic overview of the situation that lead to the collapse of Soviet Romania and ties into some of our discussion in another thread. Vids only like 4min long so not too time demanding as well lol
Edited 3 years ago
It was an effort to convert Atheists into believers 23 comments
· 3 years ago
Pretty much. Now that's not to say Romania didn't stand in Moscows way throughout their coldway years. Ceausecu is a fascinating individual. Ceaușescu recognised the state of Israel (which the soviet bloc considered a imperialistic endeavor by the Brits), supported Romanian nationalism (which wasn't permitted in any other bloc state), and denounced the 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia (IIRC only 2 communist governments in Europe protested the invasion Romania and Albania). In 1971 Ceaușescu denounced the route in which the USSR was heading in the wake of Stalins death (who had been dead for 20 years at that point) and aligned himself more with the Chinese ideology of communism.
It was an effort to convert Atheists into believers 23 comments
· 3 years ago
Basically Romania feigned openness to the west to get economic benefits, espionage, and international recognition by deceiving the US' intelligence services and diplomatic attaché in Bucharest.
It was an effort to convert Atheists into believers 23 comments
· 3 years ago
Kinda, it's more realpolitik than that. Romania was never going to strike out against the USSR in any major way. They used the preferred trading status with the US to lure US companies into the country so that they could have spies in these industries to sell the info to Moscow. Romania had one of the harshest regimes in the Soviet Bloc and routinely killed/imprisoned minority religious leaders.
Nicolae Ceaușescu politically opposed post Stalin USSR but still supported Moscow over the west. More so because he wished to retain all the power in Romania to himself. This required him to kowtow to USSR in order to have military support should a popular uprising occurred. The most likely spark of the uprising would be over religious reasons. Ergo another reason to get rid of the bibles.
If interested I could go into the Sino-Soviet split to better lay out this dynamic.
Nicolae Ceaușescu politically opposed post Stalin USSR but still supported Moscow over the west. More so because he wished to retain all the power in Romania to himself. This required him to kowtow to USSR in order to have military support should a popular uprising occurred. The most likely spark of the uprising would be over religious reasons. Ergo another reason to get rid of the bibles.
If interested I could go into the Sino-Soviet split to better lay out this dynamic.
It was an effort to convert Atheists into believers 23 comments
· 3 years ago
I also can't find anything referencing the 70's as all the articles I've found were written in the 80's so idk if meme is wrong, if there's two separate incidents involving romania and bibles, or I'm blind (which is entirely possible lol)
It was an effort to convert Atheists into believers 23 comments
· 3 years ago
To answer your question in a new thread @famousone tldr is Coldwar. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
No but seriously a lot of it comes down to Romanian perceived individuality as a nation vs the other Soviet Bloc nations in Europe. Romania made several overtures towards the US throughout the 80's (such as attending the 1984 Olympics held in the US whilst the rest of the soviet bloc boycotted the games) and had shown several signs of moving away from Moscow and towards Beijing (which was seen favorably by the US due to expanding US and Chinese relations at the time).
Now onto the bibles the Transylvanian Magyar Reformed Church was permitted to recieve these bibles by the government. I couldn't find anything official outlining why but upon arrival the bibles were directed by the Romanian government to a recycling center. The likely reason is that Moscow intervened. This was likely a slight directed at Raegan who's focus on religious based diplomacy rubbed Moscow the wrong way.
No but seriously a lot of it comes down to Romanian perceived individuality as a nation vs the other Soviet Bloc nations in Europe. Romania made several overtures towards the US throughout the 80's (such as attending the 1984 Olympics held in the US whilst the rest of the soviet bloc boycotted the games) and had shown several signs of moving away from Moscow and towards Beijing (which was seen favorably by the US due to expanding US and Chinese relations at the time).
Now onto the bibles the Transylvanian Magyar Reformed Church was permitted to recieve these bibles by the government. I couldn't find anything official outlining why but upon arrival the bibles were directed by the Romanian government to a recycling center. The likely reason is that Moscow intervened. This was likely a slight directed at Raegan who's focus on religious based diplomacy rubbed Moscow the wrong way.
As well as killing half your court 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Oversimplified does an excellent job at showing basic history topics. I hope they continue to be successful
How do you stay so strong? How do you hide it all for so long? [MusicSubstance] 14 comments
· 3 years ago
If you're into the heavier stuff I would recommend Wage War, Silent Planet, Knocked Loose, and Fit For A King. All of which are decent in their own right.
How do you stay so strong? How do you hide it all for so long? [MusicSubstance] 14 comments
· 3 years ago
Lol I'm only 23 mate (24 in a couple weeks) I listen to a lot of Hardcore punk (old and new) and Metalcore (new and old) nowadays. Speaking of Hardcore punk I'll be at a concert this weekend so that should be fun.
@xvarnah if you like that type of music still if I could I would recommend trying the band Nothing More. They have a similar sound to many of those type of bands imo
@xvarnah if you like that type of music still if I could I would recommend trying the band Nothing More. They have a similar sound to many of those type of bands imo
How do you stay so strong? How do you hide it all for so long? [MusicSubstance] 14 comments
· 3 years ago
I went through a bit of an edgy rock phase in high school so Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, A Day to Remember etc. were all I listened to. I've expanded out quite a bit these days but the classics are still good as gold imo
How do you stay so strong? How do you hide it all for so long? [MusicSubstance] 14 comments
· 3 years ago
That whole album is a banger. Painkiller and I am Machine were on repeat for several weeks after the albums release.
900+11 11 comments
· 3 years ago
It comes full circle. Blow past the deadline. Restart the war. Another decade sunk into a cesspit. Another 100,000 casualties.
Right wingers under Biden sound exactly the same as Left wingers under Trump. Lefties condemned Trump for his attempted withdrawal from Syria
And now righties condemn Bidens withdrawal of Afghanistan.
Both sides preach withdrawal and an end to US interventionalism but when it comes time to do so it's never a right enough time. Fact of the matter is there will never be a right time to fit everyone's narrative.
It is what it is and I'm finished with this thread.
Right wingers under Biden sound exactly the same as Left wingers under Trump. Lefties condemned Trump for his attempted withdrawal from Syria
And now righties condemn Bidens withdrawal of Afghanistan.
Both sides preach withdrawal and an end to US interventionalism but when it comes time to do so it's never a right enough time. Fact of the matter is there will never be a right time to fit everyone's narrative.
It is what it is and I'm finished with this thread.
900+11 11 comments
· 3 years ago
Outside forces created most of the situation. The US doesn't and can't dictate every aspect of every interaction.
The condemning of British forces' rescue efforts was stupid. I won't deny that. What I will raise is whose job was it to secure the airport and vet the entrants to said airport? That would be the US military. Who, by my understanding, were the sole security of the airport of all coalition forces. The Brits and French had excess personel to dispatch rescue missions. The US forces on the other hand were much more constrained due to having to occupy the entire airport.
Edited 3 years ago
The condemning of British forces' rescue efforts was stupid. I won't deny that. What I will raise is whose job was it to secure the airport and vet the entrants to said airport? That would be the US military. Who, by my understanding, were the sole security of the airport of all coalition forces. The Brits and French had excess personel to dispatch rescue missions. The US forces on the other hand were much more constrained due to having to occupy the entire airport.
900+11 11 comments
· 3 years ago
You more than anyone should know the situation on the ground dictates what actions need to be taken and how seriously in combat situations. The issue is that much of that equipment was being used in a supportive role to the ANA up until the collapse. As late as 22 July 2021 the airforce flew strike missions against the approaching taliban forces in support of the ANA. These strikes did nothing to stop their advance. The administration has taken a stance in support of humanitarian evacuations over equipment evacuations.
No evacuation by any military that has conceded the field has ever been able to evacuate in any good rate. The US has Saigon and Kabul to look at as examples. Napoleon has Moscow. Hitler had Stalingrad. In the midst of concession we don't dictate the pace of withdrawal. It's just history.
*Don't conflate my comments as pro Biden. In no way is that my stance.
*Don't think I'm conflating US involvement in middle eastern affairs with that of dictators.
Edited 3 years ago
No evacuation by any military that has conceded the field has ever been able to evacuate in any good rate. The US has Saigon and Kabul to look at as examples. Napoleon has Moscow. Hitler had Stalingrad. In the midst of concession we don't dictate the pace of withdrawal. It's just history.
*Don't conflate my comments as pro Biden. In no way is that my stance.
*Don't think I'm conflating US involvement in middle eastern affairs with that of dictators.
900+11 11 comments
· 3 years ago
The failure to evacuate was in no part due to lack of notice. The failure to evacuate comes at the head of the ANA and Afghan national governments inability to hold the country in the US's absence as combatants. The plans were there. The Afghan government failed to hold up their end of the evacuation.
900+11 11 comments
China was a mess before and it still is 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Unfortunately whichever side won the Civil War would've been authoritarian. Chiang Kai-Shek's military dictatorship was far removed from Sun Yat-Sen's Democratic/republican ideals.
Idk any. U? 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Good luck. I've seen people get heated over stardew valley and animal crossing.