Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
W̶e̶ I won the war 12 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm honestly confused what you're saying. Are you saying Mexico put on a facade and was in league with Nazi Germany?
W̶e̶ I won the war 12 comments
· 3 years ago
In ww2 Mexico was wholly antagonistic to Germany. The foreign policy of Mexico and Germany clashed due to the Spanish Civil war. Germany openly supported Franco while Mexico openly supported the Popular front. Also, Mexico declared war on Germany in early 1942 and was one of only two Latin American nations to send soldiers to fight in Europe (the other being Brazil).
W̶e̶ I won the war 12 comments
Un-fortunately 1 comments
· 3 years ago
Funny thing is military operations are buy and large carried out by third world nations rather than by the superpowers. The superpowers would rather have theur names tied to whatever side they support. The superpowers leave the refereeing to Pakistan, Bagladesh, and other smaller nations' military
W̶e̶ I won the war 12 comments
· 3 years ago
This is a very disingenuous and factually incorrect statement. The war was fought on 3 major land masses spanning 1000's of miles. Europe was the forefront but the middle east and Africa saw a large amount of conflict. On top of that you had the Japanese annexing german territory in the pacific and China.
As far as beligerents go all of north and south american countries declared war or suspended diplomatic ties with the central powers.
As far as beligerents go all of north and south american countries declared war or suspended diplomatic ties with the central powers.
Gggguilty!!! 1 comments
· 3 years ago
If anyone is interested in the Nuremburg trials a youtuber by the name "History Scope" made an excellent video a couple years ago going through the process, trials, and convictions in a concise way. The video is only 20 minutes long. He also has one on the Tokyo trials which is 17 minutes long.
MindHunter Actors 14 comments
· 3 years ago
I love the show but god did i dislike the love arc stuff. I get why it's there and all but the acting and scenes involving the serial killers are fantastic and imo could carry the show in their own right.
W̶e̶ I won the war 12 comments
· 3 years ago
Yes textbooks have a tendency to exagerate the US's involvement militarily. But if your only metric for winning a war is in casualties then you have a flawed system. Most of the US' contribution cane from material goods. There's a reason the UK and French populations weren't straight up starving to death in large numbers like in Germany
Let’s just party and have fun? 8 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah it's not independence day but it's in celebration of fending off a foreign invader trying to overthrow your government and make Mexico a puppet government with a European king (again). Seems as though it'd be rather important to me but I'm not Mexican so i won't convery my opinions on it further.
It's not a competition! 4 comments
· 3 years ago
American doctrine followed similar footsteps that French doctrine followed at the beginning. The bayonet and cran (guts/courage). They believed all that was needed to win were swift offensives, open warfare, and wave tatics. The French and British tried to dissuade Pershing from persuing this doctrine as they had learned themselves that it gained very little at the expense of many lives.
I highly reccomend anyone who has an interest in ww1 look into Dan Carlins series Hardcore History on the subject (Blueprint for Armageddon) and i have a couple book recommendations for anyone interested in reading. The one i would recommend the most to understand US military theory of the time is "Pershings Lieutenants American military leadership in WW1" edited by David T. Zabecki and Douglas V. Mastrano.
Edited 3 years ago
I highly reccomend anyone who has an interest in ww1 look into Dan Carlins series Hardcore History on the subject (Blueprint for Armageddon) and i have a couple book recommendations for anyone interested in reading. The one i would recommend the most to understand US military theory of the time is "Pershings Lieutenants American military leadership in WW1" edited by David T. Zabecki and Douglas V. Mastrano.
It's not a competition! 4 comments
· 3 years ago
As far as I've read the Germans had the best systems because early in the war the invaded into France and Belgium. During the early war frontline trenches were dug and rather shoddy on both sides but both sides implemented defense in depth tactics towards the later war. During subsequent allied offensives in 17 and 18 the allies were occupying german frontline trenches they captueed whereas germans were retreating into more and more complex trench and bunker systems they had built up over the years.
As far as late war goes most frontlines battles weren't fought trench to trench anymore. More like crater/artillery hole to crater/artillery hole as so artillery had become too acurate to make new trenches and artillery had pounded the earth so much most armies gave up redigging them as the front moved so much.
And then you have the Americans. The Americans, exacerbated by Pershing and his military philosophy, held very similar beliefs to that of the early belligerents.
As far as late war goes most frontlines battles weren't fought trench to trench anymore. More like crater/artillery hole to crater/artillery hole as so artillery had become too acurate to make new trenches and artillery had pounded the earth so much most armies gave up redigging them as the front moved so much.
And then you have the Americans. The Americans, exacerbated by Pershing and his military philosophy, held very similar beliefs to that of the early belligerents.
Its still a nice place though 7 comments
· 3 years ago
I don't mean to be rude but if you have the means and drive to do it just do it. You can't let other peoples perceived perceptions dictate your life.
I’ve won, but at what cost? 3 comments
· 3 years ago
If ww3 hits none of that will matter and you'll be on the front with the rest of us. Ww3 when it occurs will be quite the ordeal.
Not too proud of this one tbh, this one gonna die 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah most documentaries about the cold war suck. They generally don't convey context and/or nuance of Soviet US relations before WW2 and that plays a huge factor in their relations post WW2.
Before bombs, pilots dropped lawn darts on the enemy commies 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Aa far as I could find flechettes aren't banned under either hague treaties or geneva conventions rules. Considering their use during both korea and vietnam by the US, unless an agreement has been made since then, i don't see how or why they'd be illegal. The death of flechettes seems to be more akin to obsolescence rather than any rule change.
Gene Autry's Cowboy Code, circa 1940 16 comments
Oh, those russians! 4 comments
· 3 years ago
They're directly antagonistic to the US in foreign policy, economic practices, and politically.
Us relations with Czarist Russia was minimal at best and non existent at worst.
The Soviet Union was militarily and politically opposed to the western ideals, more specifically bourgeois liberal democracies as they put it.
Modern day Russia is a modern day imperialistic nation that likes to swing a large stick at it's smaller less powerful neighbors slowly chipping away at several soverign states until they become puppets or wholly annexed by Russia. Russia is not a friend. Russia is deadset on overthrowing the US as the soul superpower through any means whether it be subterfuge, military expanionalism, or economic warfare.
Us relations with Czarist Russia was minimal at best and non existent at worst.
The Soviet Union was militarily and politically opposed to the western ideals, more specifically bourgeois liberal democracies as they put it.
Modern day Russia is a modern day imperialistic nation that likes to swing a large stick at it's smaller less powerful neighbors slowly chipping away at several soverign states until they become puppets or wholly annexed by Russia. Russia is not a friend. Russia is deadset on overthrowing the US as the soul superpower through any means whether it be subterfuge, military expanionalism, or economic warfare.
*Serbia quietly whistles to itself in the corner* 1 comments
· 3 years ago
As far as English and American history is concerned Germany was the main perpetuating force that expanded the balkan war into a European/World war. There was potential, had Germany not given the Ok to Austria, that Austria would've either backed down or accepted Serbias response to the Austrian ultimatum.
This also comes from the fact that Germany was openly hostile to neutral nations during the war. (United States and more famously Belgium)
This also comes from the fact that Germany was openly hostile to neutral nations during the war. (United States and more famously Belgium)
Turn how the tables have 6 comments
That was a real fowl defeat. 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Basically at one time a Gaulic chieftain attempted to sack Rome. Rome was under siege for a while. One night the chieftain decided to scale the wall and silently sneak past the guards and their dogs. They did well until the geese caught wind and started honking and attacking the intruders. This essentially saved Rome from being totally destroyed in it's earlier times. This is why geese were largely revered in the roman times. This also led to a yearly festival in which Romans crucified dogs due to their inability to detect the Gaullic invades all that time ago.
I mean, I like all of history, but yes. 6 comments
· 3 years ago
I consume a metric shitton of history and political media so when i see a post i like to provide context so people get either the joke or the nuance behind the meme
Edited 3 years ago
You just insulted my entire culture, but yes 5 comments