Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
That's how it starts 4 comments
· 3 years ago
I watched all these at one time and I'm not radical... i haven't done a kick flip in years
The Definition of Noone cares 1 comments
· 3 years ago
I think they largely had the opposite reaction. The Roman public largely adored him so his death turned the already agitated public wholy against the senators.
Reject modernity. Embrace tradition 1 comments
· 3 years ago
Well this is fs afterall. We'll be getting 2012 memes referencing april 1st for the next year or more.
Please don’t sort by controversial 15 comments
· 3 years ago
At no point did i agree with you. I fail to see anywhere we agreed.
And again any secession from the US proper is doomed to fail no matter how many state coalitions you throw in in whatever combination. If the vast majority of states are still in the union then the succession will fail with or without military interference.
And again any secession from the US proper is doomed to fail no matter how many state coalitions you throw in in whatever combination. If the vast majority of states are still in the union then the succession will fail with or without military interference.
Please don’t sort by controversial 15 comments
· 3 years ago
The paper guarantees quite a bit considering if you go against what is written on it and subsequent laws tied to it you forfeit your right to a lot of the freedoms protected by it. Seems to hold quite a bit of power to me.
You took what i said and threw it out because it doesn't agree with your worldview but it's been shown time and time again secessionist movements fail due to lack of international recognition and foreign aid. Look at the Kurds in the middle east and Catalonia in Spain for modern examples.
Sorry. But no america was never doomed to starve as you so claim. The union of the states made it so not one state would collapse as all the others were there to keep them going.
You took what i said and threw it out because it doesn't agree with your worldview but it's been shown time and time again secessionist movements fail due to lack of international recognition and foreign aid. Look at the Kurds in the middle east and Catalonia in Spain for modern examples.
Sorry. But no america was never doomed to starve as you so claim. The union of the states made it so not one state would collapse as all the others were there to keep them going.
Please don’t sort by controversial 15 comments
· 3 years ago
"Y'all really have an unhealthy amount of trust in a piece of paper being able to help anyone."
Is that not the very same document you entrust to guarantee your 2nd amendment rights? You know how you legally justify you owning firearms?
Is that not the very same document you entrust to guarantee your 2nd amendment rights? You know how you legally justify you owning firearms?
Please don’t sort by controversial 15 comments
· 3 years ago
If a state wanted to leave and somehow succeeded in doing so the state would collapse within a 10 year period.
No country would diplomatically recognize it. No economic opportunity as the US and it's allies would block any and all trade the state attempts.
The state would see the largest mass depopulation to ever occur in North America.
No state could sustain itself food or otherwise on it's own leading to mass starvation.
You can praise the idea of an independent state all you want but it's still a fucking stupid idea.
No country would diplomatically recognize it. No economic opportunity as the US and it's allies would block any and all trade the state attempts.
The state would see the largest mass depopulation to ever occur in North America.
No state could sustain itself food or otherwise on it's own leading to mass starvation.
You can praise the idea of an independent state all you want but it's still a fucking stupid idea.
Please don’t sort by controversial 15 comments
· 3 years ago
"But the Union was always meant to be a voluntary one." That's both fundamentally and legally untrue.
The union is indissoluble. Both the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution clearly state the words "perpetual union".
By definition:
Perpetual: neverending
Union: the action or fact of joining or being joined, especially in a political context.
Ergo perpetual union: a neverending joining of the states politically.
This is further enforced by the supreme court case: Texas vs White which is where the argument of perpetual union resonates. Chief justice Slamon Chase wrote the majority opinion on the case. I would recommend reading it.
The union is indissoluble. Both the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution clearly state the words "perpetual union".
By definition:
Perpetual: neverending
Union: the action or fact of joining or being joined, especially in a political context.
Ergo perpetual union: a neverending joining of the states politically.
This is further enforced by the supreme court case: Texas vs White which is where the argument of perpetual union resonates. Chief justice Slamon Chase wrote the majority opinion on the case. I would recommend reading it.
Their most notorious rifle is an M16 8 comments
· 3 years ago
@ title IRA sympathizers in the US would buy guns on behalf of the IRA members in Ireland and have them illegally imported into the country. The most famous person to do this was George Harrison. A former IRA member who resided in the US.
Their most notorious rifle is an M16 8 comments
· 3 years ago
A youtuber called "feature history" did a video a year ago on "Toyota Wars". He gives some context on how groups came to use what would become known as technicals.
Their most notorious rifle is an M16 8 comments
· 3 years ago
Toyota. Dependable. Reliable. Insurgent approved. Buy one for your local jihadi today!
Their most notorious rifle is an M16 8 comments
· 3 years ago
Because toyota hilux is the rolls royce of insurgent vehicles. They're very simple vehicles mechanically, cheap, and easily obtainable. Isis had representatives in various middle eastern countries goin to dealerships/auctions and buying them right off the lots.
I'm not sorry for this template 3 comments
Failures in the American education system 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Then you had the ottomans who were entirely Militarily inept. When 1/3 of your army freezes to death in a single campaign you know shits fucked. The ottomans fought the war more like they were fighting insurgencies than actually waging war (Armenian genocide comes to mind). The history books always talk about Gallipoli and it's failures but rarely are the invasions of Arabia and Iraq discussed. The ottomans, other than mainland Turkey, were ocupied by British and commonwealth soldiers.
Like the Austrian empire the Ottomans were a failed state in all but name. The government didn't function before the war. Secessionist movements in Arabia and other reagions caused a rift in the ottoman military. On top of that the empire was dragged begrudgingly into the war by a coup.
All in all none of the central powers were on solid ground in 1917. 1918 cemented this before the Americans could scratch the surface. 2/3 of the central powers were neutered before the Meusse-Argon offensive in 1918
Like the Austrian empire the Ottomans were a failed state in all but name. The government didn't function before the war. Secessionist movements in Arabia and other reagions caused a rift in the ottoman military. On top of that the empire was dragged begrudgingly into the war by a coup.
All in all none of the central powers were on solid ground in 1917. 1918 cemented this before the Americans could scratch the surface. 2/3 of the central powers were neutered before the Meusse-Argon offensive in 1918
Failures in the American education system 7 comments
· 3 years ago
It was a final nail in the coffin not a turning point.
The failure of the German Spring offensive in March 1918 (Kaiserschlacht) was the turning point. The fact that even with a huge influx of divisions on the western front (due to the surrender of the Russian empire) the Germans couldn't take Paris nor capitulate the French made it clear the war was over.
On top of the above the naval blockade of German trade made civil unrest so largescale/widespread that had the war continued Germany would've had a civil war and gone out in a similar fashion as the Russian Empire.
You also had Austria-Hungary who for the life of them couldn't do anything without German support. They couldn't defeat the Italians, Serbians, or Romanians (all of which were militarily inferior) without german assistance. That's not including the already fractured state the empire was in before the war even started. Hungarian segments of the empire had lead revolts and angled for secession several times.
Edited 3 years ago
The failure of the German Spring offensive in March 1918 (Kaiserschlacht) was the turning point. The fact that even with a huge influx of divisions on the western front (due to the surrender of the Russian empire) the Germans couldn't take Paris nor capitulate the French made it clear the war was over.
On top of the above the naval blockade of German trade made civil unrest so largescale/widespread that had the war continued Germany would've had a civil war and gone out in a similar fashion as the Russian Empire.
You also had Austria-Hungary who for the life of them couldn't do anything without German support. They couldn't defeat the Italians, Serbians, or Romanians (all of which were militarily inferior) without german assistance. That's not including the already fractured state the empire was in before the war even started. Hungarian segments of the empire had lead revolts and angled for secession several times.
Failures in the American education system 7 comments
· 3 years ago
The US did barely anything in WW1. We had 1 maybe 2 major offenses in the last year of the war before the Central Powers threw in the towel. Most of the US's involvement was in material support before war was declared.
Go to college kids 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Honestly get a job out of high school. Save up as much money as you can. Go to school after age 23 if you still think it's necessary to go. The FAFSA will no longer be based on your parents' income but yours alone. The government will give you more money/grants to go to school.
You have no choice now 1 comments
It is the first civilization, and we are ignoring it? 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Schools, in the us, can't teach history very well at all. Mostly because they don't have the time to go into detail and all the nuances required to understand a time period. As far as world history goes they have like 8 months to cram from Mesopotamia to the modern era. That's several thousand years of history. You just can't teach that stuff very well in that short of a time frame. It's rather unfortunate.
"Just a worthless tundra" 2 comments
· 3 years ago
As far as Russia was concerned it was useless tundra. The Russians got everything the could out of Alaska. Russians in Alaska hunted most of the fur bearing animals either into or near extinction. They had no use for Alaska as is cost more to operate than it ever brought profits. As gold hadn't been discovered yet it was basically useless land and what did Russia have an abundance of? That's right. Useless land!
The other aspect isn't purely economic but rather militarily. Had the gold rush happened under Russian administration either the US or Britain would've invaded, most likely the US. Russia of the time had very little money and with that barely had any kind of navy. The Russian pacific fleet cosisted of 3 frigates and 3 smaller ships. The US of the time had two small fleets. The Pacific Squadron and the Asiatic Squadron. One of which had 7 ships and the other i cant for the life of me find any numbers for.
The other aspect isn't purely economic but rather militarily. Had the gold rush happened under Russian administration either the US or Britain would've invaded, most likely the US. Russia of the time had very little money and with that barely had any kind of navy. The Russian pacific fleet cosisted of 3 frigates and 3 smaller ships. The US of the time had two small fleets. The Pacific Squadron and the Asiatic Squadron. One of which had 7 ships and the other i cant for the life of me find any numbers for.