Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
He looks smooth af in it 22 comments
· 5 years ago
What kind of tie would go well with a suit such as the one above?
He looks smooth af in it 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Idk, imo a tan color doesn't fit darker skin tones. I may be speaking out of my ass tho but I always figured that a darker brown or light gray fits darker skin tones better if you want to change up from a traditional black suit
He looks smooth af in it 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Idk why tf that was even a scandal but you do have to admit it doesn't look good
It's ya boy Metalman chillin on his last night in China 10 comments
· 5 years ago
After working 12 hours a day for the past 30 days in a row (no time off) I'm ready to be home for a bit lol
Well, at least he's honest 3 comments
I need to share my enthusiasm and excitement over our semester project. Hidden cos long. 17 comments
Truth hurts 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Let's not forget the Afghanistan papers. Just like the Pentagon papers of the Vietnam years they prove that successive presidents have lied up the American people about what's actually happening on the ground.
Juul noooo! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Honestly this whole situation is a cover up by two entities. The FDA fucked up majorly and is trying to pass blame onto the vaping companies and big tobacco is funding politicians to kill vaping.
It should be noted that im not pro-vaping but i'm anti-bullshit and this whole situation reeks of it.
It should be noted that im not pro-vaping but i'm anti-bullshit and this whole situation reeks of it.
Honhon oui 4 comments
Remember this when the everyone starts the campaign promise train 15 comments
· 5 years ago
"Buddy with the Russians" lmao, we've had over 100 years of tense relations with the Russians. As if that would be resolved so easily you also have the flagrant acts of aggression towards eastern europe, namely in Ukraine. Russia is very much not our friend.
I'm well aware of the relations between China and Russia. They don't like eachother anymore than they hate us. Both Russia and China have taken steps together to subvert the US in it's foreign policy and unsermine the strength of the american dollar.
As if this needed explained. How do you think the Navy is funded? We have such a large navy for two reasons; keep trade routes open and free of danger in international waters and for power projection. The US Navy has a large base situated in Djibouti for counter piracy operations to protect all trade not just U.S. trade in the region.
I'm well aware of the relations between China and Russia. They don't like eachother anymore than they hate us. Both Russia and China have taken steps together to subvert the US in it's foreign policy and unsermine the strength of the american dollar.
As if this needed explained. How do you think the Navy is funded? We have such a large navy for two reasons; keep trade routes open and free of danger in international waters and for power projection. The US Navy has a large base situated in Djibouti for counter piracy operations to protect all trade not just U.S. trade in the region.
Small selection of all the cats I pet in Morocco 26 comments
· 5 years ago
Sounds amazing tbh, the butcheries sound similar to what I've seen at the markets here in China. Most of the things butchered were different from those at home. Pigeon being the thing that stuck out the most to me. Not my cup of tea but we did get some freshly cooked honey peanuts that were amazing. How do you communicate with most people?
Remember this when the everyone starts the campaign promise train 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Iraq not even a couple years ago got bumfucked by ISIS and took our support in reclaiming their territory. Afghanistan has a joke of a military. The Taliban will run them over within 2 years of a U.S. withdrawal. Vietnam V.2 Electric Boogaloo. The Saudis and Iranians will heat up the cold war they've been waging on eachother since the 80's which would destroy the global oil markets. Turkey despises the U.S. and NATO. The only reason they haven't left is because they know they can't last against Russian aggression in the region. A Russian and Chinese dominated middle east will destroy the maritime empire the U.S. has built since the dawn of our country. Our country exists and is the only superpower because of trade. To lose out on trade would destroy everything.
Edited 5 years ago
Remember this when the everyone starts the campaign promise train 15 comments
· 5 years ago
All of the wars are strategic mate. The U.S. being a status quo power doesn't like volatility. If the U.S. pulled out tomorrow the Middle East would erupt into all out war. With Russia and China doing their best to take over the region.
Remember this when the everyone starts the campaign promise train 15 comments
· 5 years ago
If you honestly believe the U.S. will pull out of all strategic positions then you're delusional at worst and ignorant at best.
Remember this when the everyone starts the campaign promise train 15 comments
· 5 years ago
It's talking about in blood mate, y'know the countless foreign wars over oil and poppys.
Edited 5 years ago
Small selection of all the cats I pet in Morocco 26 comments
Some of my best memories are in that airport 4 comments
On this day 25 years ago Nu Metal was born 7 comments
· 5 years ago
My question is is what metal they consider good metal. You've got Thrash, Prog, Hair, the Cores, Death, etc... What bands are we talking? Pantera, Slayer, Metallica, Def Leopard, Disturbed, A Day to Remember,
etc...? Metal like all things isn't just one thing. What's popular then may not be nearly as popular now but I guarantee you their are bands out there that play songs similar to your taste.
Edited 5 years ago
etc...? Metal like all things isn't just one thing. What's popular then may not be nearly as popular now but I guarantee you their are bands out there that play songs similar to your taste.
On this day 25 years ago Nu Metal was born 7 comments
On this day 25 years ago Nu Metal was born 7 comments
Truth in advertising 4 comments
· 5 years ago
When i was 4 i was watching loony toons do shit with umbrellas. I also wanted to jump with umbrellas to slow my descent. Video game=bad because impressionable kids see it is a terrible stance to make by the media. It's up there with heavy metal causing mass violence and other media sparked hysteria.