Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Us dollar redesign idea 13 comments
· 5 years ago
For blind and other handicapped people to be able to differentiate between the different currencies.
They're back! 9 comments
· 5 years ago
So the new music video is... something... I'm kinda suprised youtube allowed it on there platform as nudity tends to be a big no no on there
They're back! 9 comments
· 5 years ago
The new album hasn't been entirely released yet has it? Just 2 singles so far or did i miss something?
Remember remember remember 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Martin Luther King Jr. Was assassinated in 1968. Most of the individuals who were against the civil rights movement were between the ages of 20-60. 1968 was 50 years ago putting the youngest individuals around that time period in their late 60's early 70's today. I can honestly assure you that that's an ever dwindling number and i'd say half of the individuals in that age range today supported the civil rights movement and I'd wager that to many in middle america it wasn't exactly on their radar enough to sway their opinion one way or another. So you're legit talking about a minority of a minority of the population.
Candian-philippines trash war 9 comments
· 5 years ago
If i remember right it wasn't even the government that sent it but a private company. I don't think the company still exists otherwise they would/should be the ones forced to go and get it
Accurate 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Phone ringing..
in 2019: debt forgiveness/credit card scam/student loanforgiveness/fake cruise/etc
in 2019: debt forgiveness/credit card scam/student loanforgiveness/fake cruise/etc
Ultimate n word pass 2 comments
Step up your game ! 9 comments
Switzerland still neutral 3 comments
· 5 years ago
What exactly did you expect them to do? Be bumfucked by italy and germany from all sides?
EVERY TIME 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm not entirely sure why I do this but I think it has to do with trying to be sympathetic and lighten the mood when presenting bad situations to another person. I think my mind decides to try and defuse the situation and the only way it knows how and that's smiling, even when it's entirely inappropriate.
Omelette du fromage connard 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Them: You're from the U.S., yes?
Me: I am
Them: Are from (Interchangeable big city name)
Me: I'm from Missouri
Them: (•_•)
Me: I am
Them: Are from (Interchangeable big city name)
Me: I'm from Missouri
Them: (•_•)
Still shaking my head 11 comments
· 5 years ago
I know a couple people like this. The really scary ones, IMO, are the ones who are trying to rewrite history and political theory by convincing people that nazism is a far left political ideology rather than far right. These people actually have an affect on everyday life for many americans as they can go out and vote and change the course of our history.
Edited 5 years ago
Productive day at work 4 comments
A police officer playing with children in New York, 1970 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Because raising taxes on the rich and corporations will only incentivize them to expand less, employ less people, possibly lay people off, replace higher paid workers with lower paid ones, and even move to another state/country. By increasing taxes on business it'll lower the amount of employees a company will hire or they will search for automation alternatives to replace unneeded workers. Especially minimum wage employees would be affected by this. For example wal mart and many other grocery chains already introduced self checkout with 4 or more terminals are managed by 1 employee versus before 4 lanes would be managed by 4 employees. If you raise taxes they'll be more likely to expand on this practice.
Edited 5 years ago
A police officer playing with children in New York, 1970 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Its not necessarily that no one is willing to pay for, as there are plenty of people who would be.
The big problems, imo, are that:
1. Raising taxes to cover this will put a strain on already low income and borderline individuals who already struggle as is.
2. These areas contribute significantly lower amounts of tax compared to better off places, not the fault of the inhabitants just stating facts, because of lower income and less opportunity for advancement meaning that the investment would be heavy with low turnout.
3. Another issue is that in order to get this tax to pass bipartisan would require concessions of some kind or the inclusion of another parties legislature. This could lower voter turnout and isolate the individuals who want the original to pass but dont want the other part to pass and vice versa.
Something for sure needs to be done but it's exceptionally complicated to get any legislation to pass.
The big problems, imo, are that:
1. Raising taxes to cover this will put a strain on already low income and borderline individuals who already struggle as is.
2. These areas contribute significantly lower amounts of tax compared to better off places, not the fault of the inhabitants just stating facts, because of lower income and less opportunity for advancement meaning that the investment would be heavy with low turnout.
3. Another issue is that in order to get this tax to pass bipartisan would require concessions of some kind or the inclusion of another parties legislature. This could lower voter turnout and isolate the individuals who want the original to pass but dont want the other part to pass and vice versa.
Something for sure needs to be done but it's exceptionally complicated to get any legislation to pass.
A police officer playing with children in New York, 1970 8 comments
· 5 years ago
We need to reinstate neighberhood cops. 1 or two cops a block throughought the inner city/hood. Not just policing but interacting with the people that live there. It would honestly help to ease much of the current divide between the black community and police. If the cops could be present at all times and make bonds with people it would make reporting crimes significantly easier for everyone. Cops wont be seen as people who only show up after an accident/incident has occured but rather be seen as part of the community.
British humour and lack thereof 5 comments
· 5 years ago
12 is big in christianity and the queen is in charge of the anglican church
My heart can't stand the sweetness 6 comments