Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Legend 8 comments
· 5 years ago
It's very intricate, especially for the time in which it was built. It would take some good blacksmithing to create/recreate it
Another mastermind behind Vote Leave campaign changes team 5 comments
· 6 years ago
How didn't it happen with trump? The fact that every mainstream news entity more than insinuated that the Trump campaign had no chance at all. That and with other media outlets outside of the US proporting bush level of talks about trump pre election helped push other western countries, who are substanitially more liberal than the us, further away from us.
To elaborate on how the government was involved is not easy to convey because it's never in the open. The media needs viewers to succeed. In order to get those viewers they need to have either exclusives or be the first to tell a story. The government officials can choose who they want to give these exclusives or insider tips to in exchange for not airing or delaying talking about certain subjects in order to recieve more information.
Im not sure if that makes sense or not, im not great at explaining as i tend to respond just after waking and my mind isnt always 100% yet.
To elaborate on how the government was involved is not easy to convey because it's never in the open. The media needs viewers to succeed. In order to get those viewers they need to have either exclusives or be the first to tell a story. The government officials can choose who they want to give these exclusives or insider tips to in exchange for not airing or delaying talking about certain subjects in order to recieve more information.
Im not sure if that makes sense or not, im not great at explaining as i tend to respond just after waking and my mind isnt always 100% yet.
Another mastermind behind Vote Leave campaign changes team 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I find it funny how much governments, especially representative governments whose job it is to undsrstand the people don't understand their voters at all. It happened in 2016 with trump and with brexit. The media and government work hand in hand. Neither of them understand what the people actually want and neither of them actually care.
Correct way to watch them 12 comments
· 6 years ago
I watched the 3 iron mans, the first avengers, spiderman homecoming, and black panther. (The only reason i saw the last 3 was because of intednational flights)
Corey taylor 4 comments
· 6 years ago
80% is screaming 20% is beautiful vocals. This woman is 100% metal. The transition is crazy when it happens the first time. Time stamp for ya'll who dont care for screamy music 0:30. 5 sec of scream for a good 15 sec is her singing.
80% is screaming 20% is beautiful vocals. This woman is 100% metal. The transition is crazy when it happens the first time. Time stamp for ya'll who dont care for screamy music 0:30. 5 sec of scream for a good 15 sec is her singing.
Accurate 1 comments
· 6 years ago
They've really not been doing it for very long, historically speaking that is.
MTAKEEA 2 comments
His back account ain't ugly 7 comments
· 6 years ago
The fuck are you talking about? Jay Z makes a metric shitton more money than Beyoncé. Jay Z runs a huge record label and has a huge number of artists under him. His net worth is $900 million
Whereas beyoncé is worth around $300 million. Jay Z, although not in the open in the music industry he's still huge in the background.
Whereas beyoncé is worth around $300 million. Jay Z, although not in the open in the music industry he's still huge in the background.
Niel and feel 4 comments
Is it true? 2 comments
· 6 years ago
I didnt ever give the memes credit but i started using edge after seeing how much chrome slowed my computer down if i wasn't using just chrome.
The big Ouch 212 comments
· 6 years ago
Well I do hope you'll keep us all posted on all of your tattooing adventures!
The big Ouch 212 comments
· 6 years ago
Ah I see, well hopefully she relents on her statements so you can continue to do what you love
The big Ouch 212 comments
· 6 years ago
I see and i can understand her thoughts on that. It mustn't be easy to see your child in pain. Is your mother very old?
You can order a beer in McDonalds in Austria 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Thats becuase, atleast with my experience in switzerland, they treat it as nothing more than a soft drink. It isn't a cultural no to drink in public, excessive amounts are still a big deal, in many german speaking countries.
Prohibition being nearly 100 years ago still plays an adverse affect on US society today.
Prohibition being nearly 100 years ago still plays an adverse affect on US society today.
The big Ouch 212 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah... im not about to have a theological or religious talk with my grandparents over which books of the bible/verses should or shouldn't be followed.
The big Ouch 212 comments
· 6 years ago
My grandparents play a huge role in my life, they're heavily religious, and so they very much hate tattoos. Anything i want tattoo wise will be visible on my arms so imma just wait awhile until i move further away
Edited 6 years ago
The big Ouch 212 comments
· 6 years ago
I envy your ability to get tattoos, i have to wait before i can get any tattoos
Don't need to be so intimidating USA 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Funny how none of the individuals involved identify what it is that they are in the beginning of communication with the other party.
Buckle up, b*tches 2 comments