

Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history

— Dakota Report User
There are lines you do not cross, PETA 36 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
What are you on about?
Google: "California's forests federally owned by Trump" and read 12 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
My underdtanding of the situation is this, granted this may be dated as it comes from a former park ranger who may have a bias. Forest fires were much less devastating in years past because rangers would perform controlled burns and clear out underbrush. In recent years (like 15 years ago) animal rights and environmentalists pushed against the practice because it harmed the local animal populations. Therefore many of the preventative measures that were in place simply dont happen near as frequently as did before leaving large amounts of fuel for future fires all along the forest floor.
Tldr; control burns and preventative measures are needed rather than just trying to solve a fire after its already started.
He says it was a win, so they will say it was a win 6 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Even bot posts are getting political now
WW2-era poster urging people to speak 'American' (whatever that is...) 20 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
^and that right there in lays the problem. It isn't just breitbart that's sensationalist towards one side of the political spectrum
WW2-era poster urging people to speak 'American' (whatever that is...) 20 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I want to make an infographic or something of the like to better convey my comments. The character limit makes it hard to go into detail along with the fact that i ramble on about tidbits that don't necessarily directly correlate with my original statement but will eventually come full circle. The issue with that tends to be that i tend to take too long to get full circle.
WW2-era poster urging people to speak 'American' (whatever that is...) 20 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I'd go into detail much more but I don't think people honeslty care so much about pre-ww2 american history.
WW2-era poster urging people to speak 'American' (whatever that is...) 20 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
This harkens back to a time in the US in which a cultural war was waged against "hyphenated" americans. Starting around the 1860's-1950's (Rough Estimate) many of the war hawks after the civil war professed more and more into the belief of manifest destiny, while the american frontier began to close and be entirely claimed by the end of the 1800's. With the closing of the frontier the warhawks looked to imperialism, for an extremely bried anount of time, which culminated into the Spanish American war. The war was fought over Cuba. In the end the United states ceded any claim to the island granting it it's freedom but kept the phillipines. The war saw huge sections of the population being outright against the war, especially the hyphenated americans. Irish-americans were some of the most heavily targeted people by this cultural shift, not including african americans as they were always marginalized.
Subscribe! 2 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I've got a few questions.
1. Is this you? (Impersonating someone else is pretty shitty)
2. And if so are you above the age of 13? (One of the main rules of FS)
3. Are you aware of the FS Rules on promotional content?
- "Do not post promotional content/advertisements including links to your website or images with watermarks from other websites."
The above rule is posted in two separate parts of FS' rules page.
I don't mean to be rude and come off as an asshat, even though I probably do most of the time, but i would like for you to be aware of the rules.
That is pasta concerning 3 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Thank god for the circles. I would never have known what to read
Ain't this the truth 5 comments
metalman · 6 years ago 1
Programmers portrayal in movies 6 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Oh its a tv show... no wonder i didn't recognize it
Programmers portrayal in movies 6 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Elliot? Whose elliot?
Copious amounts of alcohol 27 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Please, i sure didn't have a perfect childhood. Im not going to go into details. I've gone over some of the things that occurred on this site before. My issue isn't necessarily with those who need meds to function its with illicit drugs. Illicit drugs are a crutch and deterrent to bettering yourself. Imo escapism through drug use is counterproductive. Face reality and get stronger.
Copious amounts of alcohol 27 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
By not being a lil bitch tbh
This post is inspired by varg and the gang 3 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Black metal is about as far as you can get from mainstream metal and it still be recognized as metal imo
MY HOMETOWN MADE THE NEWS! I'm laughing so hard 3 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Springfield mo, about 3-4 hours
MY HOMETOWN MADE THE NEWS! I'm laughing so hard 3 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
You live like two hours from me
Me 37 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I think we're all just a little bit white woman tbh
Dakoda 7 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
That's such a nice way to get a nickname
Dakoda 7 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Whats your name? If i may ask
I'm just looking out for you 5 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Yeah, and???
Dakoda 7 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Both my name and childhood nickname in one meme
I will then 9 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Why not teach both for each of these instances?
F*** this guy 17 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Yes i replied, i take it you didn't get it
F*** this guy 17 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
@aviva you seem pretty cool, do you have like a snapchat or discord?