

Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history

— Dakota Report User
Audiophiles are toxic! 19 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Nah, but we probably shouldn't blow up other people's notifications like this
Audiophiles are toxic! 19 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
You won't annoy me, it takes quite a bit to annoy me
Audiophiles are toxic! 19 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
My bad i thought it was clear that i was exaggerating a bit, especially with the "Wooooooow"
Audiophiles are toxic! 19 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I know, i was joking
Audiophiles are toxic! 19 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Wooooooow insufferable personality reminds you of me???? I.. I just wow... i'm hurt by this
Audiophiles are toxic! 19 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Wow, i feel so attacked right now
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
And i'll look at you and tell you to keep it down my eagles are trying to sleep!
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I never claimed for it to have been successful. Simply that an invasion occurred, your comment above claimed the us never invaded canada and yet it had. Back to the corner with you demon!
· Edited 6 years ago
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Quadruple checkmate
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
Doesn't distinguish between whether the invasion held territory/was successful or not.
Iraqs invasion of Kuwait
Nazi germanys invasion of the soviet union
Still an invasion nonetheless
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
You said invade not conquer. Double checkmate
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Yeah it's all very complex, i do want to say one more thing though. The us as the #1 world power took out the #5 military power in the 90s in 35 days of active combat. It was a coalition effort but the us had 700,000 of the 950,000 soldiers in the coalition
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Pffft, silly whatever you are. The us invaded canada twice in its history and has an open invitation to join the union at any given time
3 · Edited 6 years ago
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
There's a huge issue with measuring military size. A large military does not constitute an ability to project that power. Both china and india have large numbers of soldiers only because they have large populations. Current estimates put the Chinese military at roughly 2.1 million whereas the us itself has 1.3 million. That being said unlike China the us isnt alone, the us has NATO. Curently the top 10 nato militaries combined have roughly 2.8 million personnel. So in the end the us military won't be the only military in a fight. Another point to make is power projection, the us is currently the only nation to be able to strike anywhere in the world. The us military base network is worldwide and ready at a moments notice. India and china are mostly relegated to asia.
God has spoken 7 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Was an ambulance called or was he just driven to the hospital? Makes a huge difference and an ambulance would know which hospitals are full and/or able to take on more patients.
*eagle screeches in the distance* 32 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
The american empire is not directly visible from the surface. The american empire consists of most of Latin America, and parts of Africa, and Asia.
Im getting a cat soon! 4 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Livraria Lello, Porto, said to have inspired J.K. Rowling for the Harry Potter books 16 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Good lord, you're all over the place lol. I'd love to go back to Europe one of these days
Livraria Lello, Porto, said to have inspired J.K. Rowling for the Harry Potter books 16 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Wait, you're in Portugal now? Werent you just in Russia?? Where haven't you been???
1st Century BC be like 9 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Most people of ancient Egypt, nile river basin area, were off Arabian descent and much lighter in skintone than what most Americans perceive when someone says Africa.
The term African american is such an odd way to word it considering that Elon musk is an African american.
5 · Edited 6 years ago
You were there, Impossibly Alone. (Iridescent - Linkin Park. MusicSubstance) 8 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
Have you heard the new song with his vocals? It's not lp but it's a great song nonetheless
You were there, Impossibly Alone. (Iridescent - Linkin Park. MusicSubstance) 8 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
First song i listened to after chester killed himself. Honestly brought tears to my eyes
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Sleep deprivation in a nutshell 6 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I have no faith in someone who can't function when they have less than 8 hours of sleep.
Cool 12 comments
metalman · 6 years ago
I appreciate it! It's always good to have people in your corner!