Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
german 8 comments
· 6 years ago
From my, although very limited, time studying German it's still in the context clues
Display card's usage strategy 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Even like that the game will play terribly, you won't be able to utilize it very well
The other side of egypt 4 comments
Hey Quan 11 comments
Hey Quan 11 comments
· 6 years ago
For me the trust is gone. It's hard enough to get close to somebody for me and for them to betray me longer that is devastating.
Hey Quan 11 comments
· 6 years ago
It's kinda cringey to listen to as well. Nikki glaser is somewhat famous, I'm not sure to what extent, and so all the people on the show are just no name kiss asses that just go along with everything. They sound like they are trying so desperately to ride her coattails to further their careers.
Hey Quan 11 comments
· 6 years ago
I've got sattalite radio in my car and i found the comedy central channel. I thought that I'd be listening to standup and all that but instead at 2am a show called "are you still up with Nikki Glaser" I've listened off and on but everytime i listen they talk about cheating and how they've cheated on partners and im just sitting there like wtf am i even listening to. One of the women on the show defended cheating while drunk and i was floored. Not gonna listen to that shit anymore
All of the looks non of the brains 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Nations of Britain from north America and the South Pacific fought alongside the British in the western front and at gallipoli. And then you have Japan seeking out German shipping and holdings in the Pacific. So that is a world war. Now that x12 is ww2.
Edited 6 years ago
All of the looks non of the brains 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Genghis Khan, and some persian wars, could be considered as early world wars as the wars were fought by multiple ethnic and religious groups across multiple different lands. The Napoleanic wars are the definitive precursor, and last major European war to be fought. It set the tone for how all future wars would be fought. The Christian crusaders and subsequent ottoman/turk wars in anatolia, the holy land, and in some instances Spain and North Africa are purely holy wars and not necessarily fought with armies set for any goal other than rid themselves of Islam/Christianity. The modern world wars however fought all across the globe, except maybe South America with the exception of Brazil both times. In ww1 French colonial forces of black africans fought in the trenches of the western front, Indians fought alongside brits along the western front, Russian slavs and deep Siberian euroasians fought against Germanic Austrians, Germans, and middle eastern Turks. Meanwhile the commonwealth
Edited 6 years ago
All of the looks non of the brains 14 comments
Biggest scam ever 18 comments
· 6 years ago
Kids in general just kinda suck. Your own kids can be okay at times but man other people's kids...
The War on Whom? 5 comments
And mother of the year award goes to... 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Good thing they're staying, we dont want them reproducing anymore then they already have
Edited 6 years ago
The War on Whom? 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I don't honestly know where to begin. Firstly, anyone at any given time can make a claim to something. In all reality i could say i was her drug dealer and nothing would happen. Why? For the same reasons rappers and other musicians can get away with drug abuse for years, the courts/judicial system cannot punish someone for drug crimes without physical evidence. You have to be caught by police with anything above a certain amount to be charged with intent to sell. That's what is illegal possession not your words but the act of having drugs on you.
Secondly, stop making every fucking thing about race or sex or gender or whatever the fuck else. The world isn't revolved around that shit, grow the fuck up.
Secondly, stop making every fucking thing about race or sex or gender or whatever the fuck else. The world isn't revolved around that shit, grow the fuck up.
Poor Jerry 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Slam fire isn't illegal. Due to fighting constant legal battles most gun manufacturers discontinued the manufacture of shotguns capable of slam fire, except to police and military.
The law in the 70's was that by pulling the trigger the shooter was at fault for any crime committed but because the shooter, for example the situation used above, didn't depress the trigger a second time the gun was at fault not the shooter. Many people got off with lesser sentences by claiming faulty or defective equipment. Instead of constantly fighting costly legal battles most manufacturers did away with the slam fire functionality.
Edited 6 years ago
The law in the 70's was that by pulling the trigger the shooter was at fault for any crime committed but because the shooter, for example the situation used above, didn't depress the trigger a second time the gun was at fault not the shooter. Many people got off with lesser sentences by claiming faulty or defective equipment. Instead of constantly fighting costly legal battles most manufacturers did away with the slam fire functionality.
Nice doggo 10 comments
· 6 years ago
New game plus same shit but you kept all the knowledge of the last go through
That's the truth 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Can't i just have my dreams that one day my big tiddy goth neko gf will exist? Y u du dis?
Ocean of Plastic 4 comments
· 6 years ago
All but 2 of the 10 highest polluting rivers (plastic waste) are in Asia with 6 of those being in China so in reality it's China continually pumping plastic waste into the world's oceans.
The yangtze river (China) the single highest polluter of the list with 1.8million metric tons of waste, more than all others combined.
All but 2 of the 10 highest polluting rivers (plastic waste) are in Asia with 6 of those being in China so in reality it's China continually pumping plastic waste into the world's oceans.
The yangtze river (China) the single highest polluter of the list with 1.8million metric tons of waste, more than all others combined.
Anything can be a date 32 comments
· 6 years ago
Alright little johnny and susie let me tell you the story of how gramma and i met. It all started on a hook up app in which she looked hella fine and her bio was lit af so naturally i swiped right and apparently she thought i was swag enough swiped right on me. What's a man to do except hit a fine honey up with the classic "Hey, i need you to come with me to my grammas funeral so i don't look like a total loser in front of my family. You cool with that?" And what's she to do but say yes. So i fire back like 6 fire and 100 emojis and tell her my gramma ain't really dead. She types "lmao you got me DTF?" "Heck yeah!" I replied and the rest is history.
When taking to a native speaker they can differentiate between being challenged and when someone is acknowledging what's being said.
For example:
Person 1: "elephants are the largest land animals."
Person 2: "is that right?"
Depending on inflection and context clues you would be able to tell whether your fact is being challenged or if they're just acknowledging what's being said. A couple times this has come up while i was in switzerland as i think im being clear but the other person, no fault of there own just not used to hearing it that way, thinks something else.