Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Anything can be a date 32 comments
· 6 years ago
My next match on tinder i'mma send that and just see what their reaction is, probably less than kind when they find out my grandma isn't dead but we'll see
A little victory 21 comments
· 6 years ago
It's perfectly fine to live that way if a disease is 100% erradicated world wide, a small number of unvaccinated people amongst a larger vaccinated population will be better insulated and less likely to catch the diseases but the people who are unvaccinated have a higher likelihood of catching these entirely preventable diseases if they were in some way in contact with a sick individual. For most part these diseases are isolated to 3rd world countries except the fact that air travel has become cheaper and more accessible worldwide which allows a much higher chance of infectious diseases, that have been eradicated in, to spread to vulnerable individuals of the population.
A little victory 21 comments
· 6 years ago
I legit thought the op misspelled churches the first time i saw the post so I'm glad i looked back at it
Anything can be a date 32 comments
· 6 years ago
Hey, i need you to come with me to my grammas funeral so i don't look like a total loser in front of my family. You cool with that? Sounds like a real winner date to me
What I wish to do with everyone that throws trash in the streets 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Literally litter more by throwing half of a trash can full of waste on the ground?
Ocean of Plastic 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Get the Asian countries on board with recycling and away from just throwing waste into rivers and the world would be a significantly better place
This welding job 3 comments
· 6 years ago
This should be nsfw... porn shouldn't be so frivolously posted on an open forum
Edited 6 years ago
Truth 10 comments
· 6 years ago
You do have rights as a worker (in the us) contact OSHA of you feel you're being wronged by an employer.
Sorry Mom and I love you :) 2 comments
· 6 years ago
I was always under the impression that people were overreacting over kids on flights but after countless domestic flights and 8 international flights i can honestly say that to any parent taking someone under the age of 5 onto an international flight for vacation just know that i hate you and your existence
Edited 6 years ago
Furry therepist 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Me personally, if you wanna think you're a dog in private then you do you but don't bring that shit out into the rest of the world.
Edited 6 years ago
Furry therepist 8 comments
Could have just dropped a hint 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Could he have previously told her off politely and she kept on anyway? Or was this post completely fabricated?
Lol, yes 11 comments
· 6 years ago
No, plan on staying as much away from alcohol in that manner as possible
Edited 6 years ago
Priorities 19 comments
History Memes (pt. 3) 3 comments
These things 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Someone living paycheck to paycheck while owning a smartphone, internet service, and/or paid subscriptions to anything other than the essentials is living paycheck to paycheck by choice. You need a phone not a smartphone. Antennas exist to provide tv for free, after the purchase of the antenna that is but they're not that expensive. I've lived paycheck to paycheck growing up with my father and it fucking sucks.
Edited 6 years ago
Ruff ruff 27 comments
· 6 years ago
The issue of the gun argument comes down to left leaning media portraying civilian rifles as assault weapons. If they could get away from the fearmongering and vilification of gun owners they would have a much better chance of getting legislation through. The fight for the middleman has pretty well died in American politics as both the right and left leaning parties are just virtue signaling at this point and think they're the only right ones while the other side are only wrong.
These things 15 comments
· 6 years ago
>Save 10% of each check
>Living paycheck to paycheck
Someone doesn't understand paycheck to paycheck
>Living paycheck to paycheck
Someone doesn't understand paycheck to paycheck
Ruff ruff 27 comments
· 6 years ago
1. I never gave a stance on the argument
2. I only stated the argument to be had
3. I own a pit currently, owned a rotty, and a German shepherd at one point until they died of old age. I'm very much aware that it's individuals that are the problem not the entire breed but if something were to happen these breeds are the ones who tend to be significantly more lethal than others.
2. I only stated the argument to be had
3. I own a pit currently, owned a rotty, and a German shepherd at one point until they died of old age. I'm very much aware that it's individuals that are the problem not the entire breed but if something were to happen these breeds are the ones who tend to be significantly more lethal than others.