Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Just another sunny day in Croatia 3 comments
· 7 years ago
You're only comparing wind speeds though.
I'm little 7 comments
The Daily Mail never fails to disappoint 12 comments
Day 592 of your daily dose of cute: Whelp I don't know how to properly keep track of days! 6 comments
The Daily Mail never fails to disappoint 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Daily mail is such a crazy news entity as it has some credible articles but then have shit like this. You have to take anything of there's with a pinch of salt
I get banned every time :'v 8 comments
You suck at flirting 25 comments
Just another guide to look like everybody else and blend in 15 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm good with work boots, blue jeans, and t shirts. I don't give a fuck about impressing others I'm just down to be comfortable
So funny thing happen to my Dad yesterday. 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I remember that, im glad y'all are able to joke and have fun. That's always good to see. I remember donating, and i hope the best for y'all.
Things we didn't learn in high school 42 comments
· 7 years ago
Slavery has been part of every civilization and been of a fundamental part of socioeconomic development of the old world. It's a terrible part of human history but its part of human history. Today we've got the moral high ground on previous peoples. We know better and we should never repeat that part of history.
You are the strange child and your brother is actually very kind 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Not including zee and zed other pronunciations of “z” you might hear in the English speaking world include: zod, zad, zard, ezod, izzard, and uzzard. Like what the fuck people.
You are the strange child and your brother is actually very kind 26 comments
· 7 years ago
From what I've read that's where it was more or less addled from in the 15th century. From the French zede.
Ribbons are for weaklings 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Pharmaceutical stainless. Orbital welding, tig welding, and weld inspection. Im going to post a pic of what i worked on earlier today if i can.
Ribbons are for weaklings 8 comments
Novel idea for road names 10 comments
Ribbons are for weaklings 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I love how all the workers are wearing some type of darkened glasses while most of the business men are looking directly at the light
If you're reading this, what are you doing with your life? 9 comments
· 7 years ago
That was clever, if i hadnt looked at the title i wouldve been so confused
Edited 7 years ago