Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Nature is so cruel 9 comments
· 7 years ago
When did i say that "you" are something special. All I'm saying is that the individual is part of something larger than themselves.
Nature is so cruel 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Physically see yourself in your offspring but a part of you continues to live on in your offspring after you die and as your offspring have offspring the cycle continues. You live on infinitely, whether you're aware of it or not.
Nature is so cruel 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I keep having this prevailing thought that, of all the organized religions, those who believe In reincarnation are the closest to being right scientifically speaking. Let me explain. Biologically speaking humans, and all animals and organic things are designed to reproduce and pass on as much genetic material as possible. You are currently half your mother half your father so essentially they have successfully sent some of their "soul" onto the next life while keeping some for themselves. Once they die, and you as its inevitable, you begin to decompose. By decomposing you're giving the rest of yourself back into the rest of the world. Whether plants use you as a means to grow or a scavenger gets ahold your energy is passed onto them as they grow part of you is still present and do by the time that animal or plant decides to reproduce you'll be passed along with the offspring. Now back to human kids, human children will be a much more direct line of passing yourself on as you can
Man trash talks women who wear pony tails as wife is in the background 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I hope people realise this is a joke. Its from a group known as funhaus
Edited 7 years ago
I try so hard 2 comments
Before I'm gone 11 comments
Being OCD seems to be a cool thing now 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Anytime, i understand not having the motivation to go out and do stuff over the summer. Just @ me if you every want to talk.
Being OCD seems to be a cool thing now 16 comments
Must have been a shitty fight 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Atleast she has a good attitude about it. I'm honestly surprised it doesn't happen more often
Edited 7 years ago
It is definitely time to stop 18 comments
The brilliant minimum wage machine 30 comments
· 7 years ago
This must be old because minimum wage in new York is $15/ hour and had been for a while
How a cargo ship destroyed a Destroyer 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Not to mention the size differences. The freighter is huge compaired to the destroyer.
So respectful 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Theres more to it but ive got work and really dont feel like typing more out.
So respectful 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Supposes to help the austrians but didnt have the money to so. The other European powers took notice of this. Then came the famines. Bread prices skyrocketed causing the third estate to be upset. Mary Antoinette's attitude didn't help much but she wasn't given much of a chance from the start.
She was unpopular because
1. She was Austrian
2. Her attitude towards the poor
3. The necklace affair
The necklace affair occures because a look alike woman goes to a craftsman and asks him to craft expensive jewelry for the queen, he accepts and builds and then gives it to the imposter. The imposter then flees leaving the crown with the bill. Mary Antoinette refused to pay it so a whole debacle forms and people are pissy about that.
Edited 7 years ago
She was unpopular because
1. She was Austrian
2. Her attitude towards the poor
3. The necklace affair
The necklace affair occures because a look alike woman goes to a craftsman and asks him to craft expensive jewelry for the queen, he accepts and builds and then gives it to the imposter. The imposter then flees leaving the crown with the bill. Mary Antoinette refused to pay it so a whole debacle forms and people are pissy about that.
So respectful 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Essentially the Country was bankrupt and was slowly going into economic ruin. The economy heavily favored a top down economic system in which the 1st estate, the rich or nobility, paid far less to the crown than would be their fair share. Anther issue was that church property, which was roughly 1/3 of the land, was untaxable by the government. The third estate, poor nonclergy and non nobility bore the most weight of taxes as they could be taxed without exception and they had to pay tithes to the church. So france was out of money so the crown called a general assembly which brought together representatives from all the district's and diocese. They all show up but and argument immidiatly behind about the voting order and how much someone's votes worth do nothing got done. The king shut it down. So one of the economic advisors told the crown to continue as if nothing was wrong and they did but war, being the European way, broke out between the Austrians and someone else. France was was
So respectful 8 comments
I'll take shit that never happened for 500 please 36 comments
· 7 years ago
Regardless of the action taken by the male student an incident involving physical violence is still punishable in schools. That being said she over reacted a fuck ton if this is real. If someone is bothering you and your first response is physical violence then you're in the wrong.
Pure savage 13 comments
· 7 years ago
You saw that coming about as well as you could see a black guy at midnight.