![M. M.](/images/avatar-guest.jpg)
Ain't this the truth 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Place of worship? Make it neutral for your point instead of specific is your intent of argument and fair as a comment. However poster and creator may be of that religion and speaking in a personal way relate able to themselves. I don't think they were attacking one religion and excluding others. Going to and checking off a list doesn't make you a good person, being a good person makes you a good person moral applicable to all.
I was going to snapchat this, but 12 comments
Poor thing must feel ice-olated 3 comments
Just guy things 30 comments
· 7 years ago
1 well what do you have to interest her 2 sounds like you are on the wrong site to be writing that may I suggest a dating website instead of memes and dreams of funsubstance
Clever freezer art 4 comments
Thank you 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Everything you see is built by people supporting people and I think that's just as lovely
I want a Michael 17 comments
Who did this 7 comments
They be cray cray 26 comments
I thought this was cool! 4 comments
· 7 years ago
yeah but they said "always" and going to and from home, say from the grocery store your whole life, you would know the way equally back and forth, the theory of new info would not make sense why it takes longer. It would make sense under the qualification why when going some where new for the first time why does it appear longer to leave home. Yet more plausibly it takes longer to get there because you some other list of psychological factors i don't care enough to think about whoo other peoples problem scientists figure it out.
Edited 7 years ago
More reverse gender characters 12 comments
For sale on etsy 7 comments
· 7 years ago
if this was breaded and fried and the stitching was water soluble im sure it would be like omg look at this thing like rainbow bagels, mocha art, little cupcakes, ect.
Good luck :) 28 comments
· 8 years ago
Doesn't mean you can't find other types attractive, just if you aren't also a semi-fit, average height or above, and ascetically pleasing you are less likely to actually end up with one. However, handsome is is relative to your view , if you find a guy attractive good chance you find him handsome.
Some people don't deserve good behaviour 16 comments
· 8 years ago
@mandyfr33gordon & @thatswhatshesaid or it could have been in her purse like in her wallet if lost type thing.
Being skinny could be a curse too 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah always had trouble and recently got really sick and can't get over 90lbs, have to drink these boost things to up my calorie intake and have this super restrictive diet. Its hard asf hope nothing is much harder than gaining weight. However this is a joke website why is this here?
This is why you don't block highways if you're protesting 42 comments
· 8 years ago
alright for clarification the girl didn't die her father did that's why she's fatherless @inyourendo but yes is pretty sad.
#JustFirstLifeThings 3 comments
· 8 years ago
...thought it was glue and thev leaf was stuck to his mouth but salad dressing makes much more sense