User man Banned
It may not seem like much 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Funsubstanceuser, you can't tell me that I pull claims out of my ass when you've already made multiple false and unfounded statements about me. These statements were that I: "prey on people who I think are gay," am 15, and have discovered the meaning of life while jacking off. To the more level headed and intelligent metalman, I say this: the internet has led to a significantly higher amount of 12-13 year olds who are suicidal, cut, etc. because they are given attention on the internet, whereas before, little kids didn't do that stupid shit because everyone would just tell them to fuck off. To theodorerex, you being 25 actually doesn't give your words too much more merit than mine. Many people could easily argue that you are a child as well. Anyway regardless, you all have to admit that the internet has made it more easy for people to get attention, and has thus led to a lot more people who act this way, not because they have mental illness, but because they want attention.
It may not seem like much 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh OK so you just ignore the truth of my statements, and instead make unfounded claims about my age and other behaviors, meaning that you have no good rebuttal to my claims. This means that you are admitting that you are incorrect. Anyway, I'm currently 18, and while I obviously have not firsthand experienced the pre-internet era, it is easy to cite previously existing yet well documented eras. You're essentially a mindless idiot who cannot respond properly to differing worldviews, who will instead try to change the focus of a discussion in order to mask the frailty of your arguments.
It may not seem like much 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Sorry for not becoming a weakling like every one of you new-generation kids. Since the advent of the internet, a far larger amount of people have become weaklings that have ever existed before. I think that this is caused by the fact that people have more ways to complain about their problems and have more people telling them that their problems are legitimate. Before, people would just suck it up, but now everyone is as frail as a particularly brittle eggshell. Before kids who were bullied at school would become tougher in the future, now kids who experience even the slightest bit of teasing fly off the handle and shoot up a school. Let's go back to the old days where people didn't kill themselves over any small problem. Humans are designed to overcome problems, not immediately succumb to the most minor hinderances. Sorry for not enabling the further weakening of the human race by saying, 'oh its definitely OK to self harm, your first world, gated community problems are legitimate!'
Edited 9 years ago
You trying to make a joke that doesn't offend anyone 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Ha-ha fuck other people's feelings, say what you fucking want
Edited 9 years ago
We're all equal in the eyes of the reaper 7 comments
It may not seem like much 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Lol when did I ever insult gay people. I've even defended gays in the past. You're so damn stupid you need to kill yourself.
I've deeply pondered this 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Why'd you delete your comment, IDIOT. Someone above me had said 'I find men in kilts sexy, even though I am not attracted to men,' I think it was that rebeccawolfweb kid but I'm not sure. Deleting your comment is the lowest thing you can do here.
Poor god 45 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe global warming will flood everything, unless humans learn to be nice to each other and work to fix it
Edited 9 years ago
It may not seem like much 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Lots of depressed/traumatized people don't slice themselves up out of retardation though.
It may not seem like much 53 comments
Explaining Steven Universe Part 2 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I heard that this show had promise, but tumblr hijacked it and turned it into pure cancer, mlp-tier Cancer.
Edited 9 years ago